Sweet-Sixteen Party Favor Ideas
- Nobody knows what your teenage guests like as well as your daughter. Ask what her friends like. Gather ideas about teen idols, such as Zac Efron and Avril Lavigne, and hair and makeup favorites. Ask your Sweet Sixteen what themes and colors she and her friends find attractive. Brainstorm together.
- Every teenage girl likes to see her name engraved on mementos. Order personalized satin bags, mint tins, or sets of greeting cards. Give personalized manicure sets or silk fans. Order personalized cosmetic bags. Find favors in various pastel colors. Your daughter's guests will appreciate personalized party favor boxes or tiny silver frames. (See Resources.)
- Ask your daughter who are the hot bands, and which T.V. shows, actors and actresses she and her friends like. Go to a mall gift shop for celebrity posters. Give a different one to each girl. Give each guest a small tin of mints with an actor's or musician's name with hers. For example, "Justin Timberlake loves Sarah Connor 4ever." If you know each girl's preference, the party favors will be all the more appreciated.
- Teenage girls take pride in their appearance, reading fashion and entertainment magazines for glamour tips. Purchase a selection of fashion and entertainment magazines. Give each girl a magazine, such as "Elle," "InStyle," "Allure" or "Glamour."
Sweet Sixteen party favors are inexpensive and fun for girls. Prepare your guest list far enough in advance to order and receive shipment. Three to four weeks ahead should suffice.