Arthritis Natural Cures, Home Remedies and Treatment
Arthritis occurs with the inflammation of the joints and cartilages, in any parts of the body causing severe pain, stiffness of the joints, hampering the mobility of the body and weakening of the bones.
Different forms of arthritis are seen, the most common ones being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Causes of Arthritis The main cause of arthritis is related to the sedentary life style of the people along with faulty food habits.
Too much intake of carbohydrates, refined sugar, refined foods and fats results in the obesity ultimately leading to arthritis.
In women reduced level of female hormones after menopause leads to weakening of the bones and osteoporosis.
Sometimes age factor, over stress also contribute to this disease.
Natural Cures for Arthritis Pain killing drugs are the most conventional medication applied for this disease.
This provides relief from the pain temporarily, but cannot be treated as the curing drug, sometimes making the condition worse.
Natural curing ways showed miraculous results, so many are opting for these to get cured of the disease.
Low carbohydrate diet with reduced fat content must be followed.
Refined sugar, processed and junk foods, carbonated drinks must be avoided.
Leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains must be taken regularly, excepting vegetables of nightshade family like tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, pepper which aggravate inflammation.
Drinking plenty of water helps in detoxification and formation of disc fluids.
Some herbs like white willow, alfalfa, yucca, devil's claw, turmeric, sea cucumber have good effects as anti-inflammatory medicine.
Flax seed oil lubricates the joints and cleans the arteries improving blood circulation and curing.
Application of the essential oils of lavender, juniper, thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, ginger, chamomile help in reducing the pain to a great extent.
These aromatic oils also lower the stress that helps in the healing.
Exercise is another important part in controlling arthritis.
Regular movement of joints frees them from stiffness and keeps them lubricated.
Exercises also help in controlling the body weight.
Some topical lotions like arnica, tiger balm, comfrey, Boswellin etc.
are found to be effective in relieving pain and curing arthritis.
Detoxification by fasting with water, juice, fruits releases the toxins out of the body.
Detoxification can also be done with herbal supplements.
Women need to take special care as they are much prone to osteoarthritis after menopause.
The estrogen levels fall drastically and HRT treatment may be required in many cases.
Along with physical exercise extra dietary supplements like milk, yoghurt, raisins, almonds that are rich in calcium must be taken to increase the bone density.
By maintaining healthy habits in all respects one can continue to venture in golf courses, jogging activities without any apprehensions for arthritis and aging.
Different forms of arthritis are seen, the most common ones being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Causes of Arthritis The main cause of arthritis is related to the sedentary life style of the people along with faulty food habits.
Too much intake of carbohydrates, refined sugar, refined foods and fats results in the obesity ultimately leading to arthritis.
In women reduced level of female hormones after menopause leads to weakening of the bones and osteoporosis.
Sometimes age factor, over stress also contribute to this disease.
Natural Cures for Arthritis Pain killing drugs are the most conventional medication applied for this disease.
This provides relief from the pain temporarily, but cannot be treated as the curing drug, sometimes making the condition worse.
Natural curing ways showed miraculous results, so many are opting for these to get cured of the disease.
Low carbohydrate diet with reduced fat content must be followed.
Refined sugar, processed and junk foods, carbonated drinks must be avoided.
Leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains must be taken regularly, excepting vegetables of nightshade family like tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, pepper which aggravate inflammation.
Drinking plenty of water helps in detoxification and formation of disc fluids.
Some herbs like white willow, alfalfa, yucca, devil's claw, turmeric, sea cucumber have good effects as anti-inflammatory medicine.
Flax seed oil lubricates the joints and cleans the arteries improving blood circulation and curing.
Application of the essential oils of lavender, juniper, thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, ginger, chamomile help in reducing the pain to a great extent.
These aromatic oils also lower the stress that helps in the healing.
Exercise is another important part in controlling arthritis.
Regular movement of joints frees them from stiffness and keeps them lubricated.
Exercises also help in controlling the body weight.
Some topical lotions like arnica, tiger balm, comfrey, Boswellin etc.
are found to be effective in relieving pain and curing arthritis.
Detoxification by fasting with water, juice, fruits releases the toxins out of the body.
Detoxification can also be done with herbal supplements.
Women need to take special care as they are much prone to osteoarthritis after menopause.
The estrogen levels fall drastically and HRT treatment may be required in many cases.
Along with physical exercise extra dietary supplements like milk, yoghurt, raisins, almonds that are rich in calcium must be taken to increase the bone density.
By maintaining healthy habits in all respects one can continue to venture in golf courses, jogging activities without any apprehensions for arthritis and aging.