Chuchuhuasi and Iporuru
The pain can be so intense as to cripple the person from normal movement.
As well as causing swelling and pain in the joints arthritis can affect other vital organs.
There are two types of arthritis and those are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoarthritis usually affects you when you are growing older.
The old pain and injuries, which are heeled in your past days, can again get triggered by the disease.
Rheumatoid arthritis is caused when your body's defense mechanism gets weakened; it affects bones, joints and other organs.
You may get severe pain and feel feverish and tired.
There are also various causes of arthritis; it can be due to gouts in the body and infection to the liver by viral hepatitis.
Arthritis has spread its tentacles the world over and the majority of people do suffer miserably.
There are different kinds of treatment for arthritis in the field of medicine, but the traditional herb treatment is found to be very effective and fruitful for curing the disease.
People have tried Chuchuhusai herbs and Iporuru herbs to treat the disease and have received phenomenal results in a very short duration.
The Chuchuhuasi tree has multi dimensional qualities.
It is found in the Amazon rainforest, where the bark of the Chuchuhuasi has been used medicinally for generations by the indigenous people of the Amazon.
Chuchuhuasi is known as "trembling back" because it was used to treat back pain since ancient times.
It is a well known jungle drink to give energy and is used as a male aphrodisiac to increase sexual stamina.
The Local healers of the Amazon mainly use chuchuhuasi as a tonic for fast healing.
It is combined with other medicinal herbs for the treatment of different ailments and diseases.
The indigenous people of Amazon boil the bark of Chuchuhuasi in very small quantity and drink it to combat arthritis, different kinds of aches, menstrual disorder, rheumatism and sore muscles.
Triterpenes, sesquiterpene and favonols alkaloids are found in the Chuchuhuasi.
Mayteine and maytansine are the most important chemicals also found in Chuchuhuasi, which enhance anti tumor activity.
Chuchuhuasi is an effective treatment for Arthritis.
The Iporuru herb also has great healing and medicinal qualities.
The bark and leaves of Iporuru are used by Amazon's indigenous people for curing various ailments and diseases.
In most parts of the Amazon, people tincture the Iporuru bark and leaves with the local rum called aguardiente.
This is very good for arthritis, muscle aches, and rheumatism.
The research and recent studies indicate that Iporuru contains important elements like phenols, flavonols, saponins, xanthones, tannins, and alkaloids.
It is important to know the nature and use of Iporuru and chuchuhuasi herbs.
The importance of these two herbs has been well known from ancient times to the local people of the Amazon.
Due to recent exciting research these herbs they are gaining much popularity in the field of herbal medicine.