The dentist for tooth problem
Well dentist's clinic is one place that I never liked going. In fact the mere thought of going to one gave me nightmares.
While the dentist is actually helping us by giving us a treatment but the horror is something that over shadows the good work. There have been so many days when before the visit to the dentist in used to get scary dreams at night.
Now we have grown up and have become more tolerable to things like pain.
Like an adult now, let us understand how the dentist works. He makes use of a number of tools and instruments and in a couple of sittings and solves our dental problem. After the pain we realise that now we have healthier teeth.
So for the treatment the dentist makes good use of the dental instruments.
Dentistry is a wide branch of medical science that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and problems related to the teeth.
Such doctors are called dentist.
The dental problem generally occurs because of bad dental habits or excess consumption of sweets. Things like not brushing twice daily or eating chocolates daily is like welcoming dental problem on your own.
These doctors are well trained and generally receive 4- 6 years of professional training on dentistry. They have learned well about the dental problem and also as to how to deal with the dental problem.
The instruments are majorly used for tooth extraction, examination, cleaning and restoring of the teeth.
The first set of instruments is the examining instruments
These help the dentist to have a clear view of the teeth and that is how he identifies the problem.
They are:
1. Mirror
Mirror is used for looking clearly at the regions that are not very visible and some regions that are not at all visible.
The mirror makes the visibility clear. Another benefit is that this helps in reflecting the light on the affected region for improved visibility.
2. Probes
The probe includes the following.
• Explorers
• Straight probe
• Periodontal probe
There are some other instruments that are used for retractions.
They are:
1. The mouth Pop
2. The cheek retractor
3. The lip retractor
4. The tongue retractor
The instruments for restorative purposes include the following
1. Excavators
The excavators are used for the removal of the soft tissues. This is generally to treat the teeth that have some kind of decay.
There is a spoon excavator and there is also a chisel.
Chisels are also further classified.
The other major instruments are
1. Dental drills
The dental drills are of different shapes and of different speed. They are used for breaking the tooth or for making and change in the structure of the teeth.
2. Burs
The dental burs are usually made up of tungsten and have a diamond coated or stainless steel tip.
There is different classification of burs.