Donor Sperm Option To Help People Become Parents
California Cyrobank is a facility that offers its clients a valuable service. They can go online to get general information about sperm donation, the screening process that potential donors are subjected to, and how the specimens are processed. Clients can open an account and choose a sperm donor as well.
People who are interested in going from "me" to "we" by starting or adding to their family look to a facility that has been in business for a number of years. California Cyrobank has been helping people become parents for over 30 years. The facility is accredited from the American Association of Tissue Banks and offers its clients a large selection of donor sperm from candidates who have gone through a rigorous screening process.
California Cyrobank only accepts donor sperm from men who are enrolled in university or who have a minimum of a Bachelor's degree. Potential sperm donors are young men between 19-38 years of age and who are in good health. Each candidate must be at least 5'9" tall and legally able to work in the United States.
Not everyone who is identified as a potential sperm donor is accepted into this sperm bank's program. California Cyrobank is very selective about whom they choose to provide donor sperm, and less than one percent of the men who are approached end up providing donor sperm to the facility's clients.
The process for finding a sperm donor is quite simple. Potential parents are invited to start the process by opening an account with California Cyrobank. The next step is to review the facility's donor catalogue. Clients can choose a donor with the eye and hair color, skin tone, blood type, and ancestry they would like in the person who provides the donor sperm for their child.
Once the client has identified some potential donors, the next step toward parenthood is to order detailed donor information. A medical history, audio interview, written essay, and personality profile are available for most donors. This information will help the narrow down their choices before making a final decision and ordering a vial for insemination purposes.
California Cyrobank strives to make the process of finding donor sperm as easy and convenient as possible. The facility has genetic counselors on staff who can answer any questions that clients may have. Visit them online at