How to Get More Targeted Traffic to Your Website - Paid and Free Ways to Attract Traffic
The reason being, there is so much emphasis on traffic that you can easily fool yourself to believe that having a lot of traffic to your website would suffice.
What you need is more targeted traffic to your website.
What's the use of having a thousand visitors to your site if none of those visitors are going to buy? You could do much better by having a few hundred visitors who are more likely to buy.
Understand the difference? Let me explain with a simple example.
Say you have a website on golfing and have another website on tennis.
Do you think the buying behaviors of both the markets would be the same? No.
There is a lot of difference between the psychology of golf lovers and tennis lovers.
Golfers tend to spend a lot of money and their buying tendencies are a lot more frequent than tennis lovers.
So in such a case, having a few golf visitors would be more profitable to you than having a boatload of tennis lovers.
There are a number of ways you can get more targeted traffic to your website.
If you want instant traffic, go to Google Adwords, sign up for an account and start advertising for your products and services.
However you need to do proper keyword research and should know how to properly set up a PPC campaign and monitor it as well.
If you are looking for free ways of generating traffic, you can do it in a number of ways.
Some of them are tapping into Social Media Marketing Channels, creating viral videos, setting up free contests etc.
Literally, it takes a little bit of imagination and proper research to connect the dots.
And it isn't that difficult, especially when you have at your disposal so many free tools and resources.