Some Tips To Get Back With an Ex Boyfriend
Being anxious can make you appear desperate and clingy. This is not going to win you any points with your ex and, obviously, it is only going to make things worse. Your ex is only human and it is human nature to shy away from this sort of tension. It's pointless fighting against human nature and what little relationship you have with your ex will eventually dwindle away into a complete lack of interest on their part.
Try a different strategy to get back with my ex.
Try this simple approach instead.
Stop seeing your ex boyfriend altogether. When you do initiate contact again it will be a fresh start without any of the previous negative emotions that were stifling your advances. Follow your own path for a while. Doing this will clear your mind of all the negative emotions and you will increase your self confidence by being independent for a while. You'll need discipline and you'll have to stick with it. Think about the positives of what you are trying to achieve. You'll avoid slipping back in to your previous, self destructive patterns of behavior by keeping this positive attitude.
Your ex will become curious about you during this hiatus and his feelings towards you will change since you are no longer being clingy and desperate. You are trying to create a sense of mystery about yourself adn your ex will be wondering how you are and what you've been up to. Hopefully, if there is still some life left in the relationship, your ex will be discovering that he is actually missing you.. This is precisely the result that you need but it can never happen if you continued to smother him with unwanted attention.
Human behavior is predictable and you need to work with it rather than against it. You are restoring normalcy to your life and helping your ex boyfriend remember why he originally loved you. You should have cleared your head with the time away from him and realized all the mistakes you were making. It's easier to avoid mistakes if you know you made them in the first place.
Remember to stay in control and keep a little bit of mystery about yourself. But don't overdo it as that will make it obvious. He will start remembering why you were together in the first place Try a little bit of the hard to get routine when you start to make contact again as this will pique his interest even further Just remember that by sticking with it you will both eventually get exactly what you want.