How Do You Get Over Someone You Still Love
If you are carrying around this kind of pain, then you know without a doubt just how hard it can be. People spit off cliches like, if it was meant to be it would have lasted, and you just shake your head. What do they know anyway? What is a cliche like that going to do to help you get over someone that you still love? It's not, there is more to getting over someone than just thinking if it was meant to be, it would last.
You have to get to the root cause of what is causing ou pain if you really want to progress and get past the issues that are making you feel the way that you do.
Here are some tips on how to get over someone you still love:
1) Do not allow yourself to carry around pictures of them.
Pictures are one of the easiest ways to remember someone and how they made you feel. So, if you are trying to get over someone, you don't want to run around with their picture in your pocket, do you? Take that picture and cast it to the side. Do not allow yourself to carry it with you wherever you go. Let the past be the past.
2) Do not talk about them for a long amount of time.
If you keep on talking about them, you really are just implanting more and more desire into your subconscious mind. That is not at all what you want to do. Do not allow yourself to devot large chunks of conversation to your ex. If you are still in love with them, that will just cause you more pain and make you feel worse about things.
3) Do look at other people as maybe the next person you can date.
You may not want to be too open about this, as you can end up walking right into another bad situation. However, you do want to be open to the possibility and the idea that the nexy person you meet may be someone you can date. That way, you are not thinking about the one you still love as being the only one for you.