Acne Espana
Acne Vulgaris is a common skin condition that affects millions of adolescents and adults. It typically starts in adolescence when hormonal changes cause enlargement of the sebaceous glands. Sebum accumulation leads to obstruction of the ducts, with eventual bacterial overgrowth, typically Propionibacterium acnes. P. acnes attract inflammatory cells yielding unsightly, painful pustules. Left untreated, or with manipulation by the patient, permanent scarring can occur.
While many treatment options have arisen, a growing number of patients experience a poor response. A growing resistance to oral and topical antibiotic therapy has been reported. Topical therapy is traditionally drying to the skin and subsequently irritating. Accutane therapy has possible severe side effects and is expensive.
Laser therapies have been used to treat acne and acne scarring. P acnes produce as part of their normal metabolism coproporphyrines which coat the surface of the bacterium. It has been postulated that different laser wavelengths have a photodestructive effect on P. acnes leading to a decrease in the active form of the disease. The excitation of the porphyrine leads to the production of free radicals which leads to self-destruction of the bacteria.
In addition, the generation of sufficient heat in the mid-deep dermis will decrease the sebaceous gland activity with the result being less sebum production without the inherent risk of ductular blockage and resultant bacterial growth.
The 1320nm CoolBreeze laser has the longest, most successful history in the non-ablative realm of therapy. It has a proven track record for the production of neo-collagen and the softening of atrophic linear and depressed scars.
Patient satisfaction is high because of a relatively fast response which is prolonged without a confusing regime of treatments. Overall cost to the patient is lower than with other treatments when all factors are tabulated. The dose and number of treatments varies and is based upon the epidermal/dermal thickness, acne severity, and the concomitant use of alpha levulinic acid in the therapeutic regime.
The CoolBreeze 1320nm Nd:YAG Laser is a safe and effective tool for the treatment of active acne as well as chronic depressed atrophic acne scars. Patients are treated an average of 4 to 6 times 1 week apart. Additional treatments at three-month intervals often result in continued improvement. The CoolBreeze laser technique has no down-time, wound healing, or pain as with other ablative lasers (Er:YAG, CO2, and Erbium) resurfacing procedures.
The CoolBreeze results are as good as those of other ablative laser treatments when used more frequently than the more aggressive lasers which are known to cause more complications and side effects.
While many treatment options have arisen, a growing number of patients experience a poor response. A growing resistance to oral and topical antibiotic therapy has been reported. Topical therapy is traditionally drying to the skin and subsequently irritating. Accutane therapy has possible severe side effects and is expensive.
Laser therapies have been used to treat acne and acne scarring. P acnes produce as part of their normal metabolism coproporphyrines which coat the surface of the bacterium. It has been postulated that different laser wavelengths have a photodestructive effect on P. acnes leading to a decrease in the active form of the disease. The excitation of the porphyrine leads to the production of free radicals which leads to self-destruction of the bacteria.
In addition, the generation of sufficient heat in the mid-deep dermis will decrease the sebaceous gland activity with the result being less sebum production without the inherent risk of ductular blockage and resultant bacterial growth.
The 1320nm CoolBreeze laser has the longest, most successful history in the non-ablative realm of therapy. It has a proven track record for the production of neo-collagen and the softening of atrophic linear and depressed scars.
Patient satisfaction is high because of a relatively fast response which is prolonged without a confusing regime of treatments. Overall cost to the patient is lower than with other treatments when all factors are tabulated. The dose and number of treatments varies and is based upon the epidermal/dermal thickness, acne severity, and the concomitant use of alpha levulinic acid in the therapeutic regime.
The CoolBreeze 1320nm Nd:YAG Laser is a safe and effective tool for the treatment of active acne as well as chronic depressed atrophic acne scars. Patients are treated an average of 4 to 6 times 1 week apart. Additional treatments at three-month intervals often result in continued improvement. The CoolBreeze laser technique has no down-time, wound healing, or pain as with other ablative lasers (Er:YAG, CO2, and Erbium) resurfacing procedures.
The CoolBreeze results are as good as those of other ablative laser treatments when used more frequently than the more aggressive lasers which are known to cause more complications and side effects.