How to Claim Income Under $600
Things You'll Need
1Obtain a Department of the Treasury-IRS form 1040. If you are filing an individual tax return you are required to complete an IRS form 1040 and include all your income information, as well as personal information such as full name, address and Social Security number. You can usually get a 1040 form from your local library, or you can download a PDF version online.
Gather all applicable receipts, invoices or wage statements that document the monies you've received. If you have received several incoming payments throughout the tax year, collect all documentation of such payments and separate the ones that verify any income of $599 or less.
Add up the amounts of every incoming payment you received under $600. This includes any money earned from self-employment, gifts, gambling or lottery winnings. Exclude any income over $600, and add up all of your wage statements, receipts or invoices of $599 or less. Make note of the sum.
Enter the total amount of all inclusions on line 21 of your 1040 form. The sum you establish once you've added all your income sources under $600 is considered your "other income." Enter this amount on line number 21, and write in the type of income, such as self-employment, gifts or gambling winnings. If the sum was derived from multiple avenues, write in "miscellaneous income" beside the amount.
Complete all other required sections of your 1040 form and file your return. You need to complete the entire 1040 form before filing your return. Include all applicable information, such as exemptions, dividends, real estate income, taxable interest and pensions or annuities. Once you've completed the entire form, sign, date and file your return.
Retain all receipts, invoices and wage statements for at least three years. If you have self-employment income to claim, the IRS usually has about six years to order an audit, and that is how long you should keep all receipts, invoices relevant banking statements and canceled checks. If your other income was earned through prizes, gifts or random side jobs, keep documentation for at least three years.