How Do I Get an EIN Tax ID Number?
- 1). Apply online at the IRS website (see Resources). The program will check and validate your application when you have completed it and will issue an EIN immediately. Eligible applicants are those whose business is located in the United States or in a United States territory. The applicant must have a valid taxpayer number.
- 2). Obtain an EIN over the phone. You can call the EIN toll-free telephone service and provide your information to an assistor. The assistor will give you a number at the end of the telephone application. Residents of the United States can call 800-829-4933, while international applicants should call 215-516-6999 to apply. The service is available from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday to Friday.
- 3). Download Form SS-4 (see Resources). Complete this form and fax the application to the fax number for your state (see Resources). If you provide a fax number, the office will fax your EIN to you within four business days after your application is approved.
- 4). Mail an application. Complete Form-SS4 and mail it to your the IRS office address for your state (see Resources). It takes about four weeks for the IRS to process mailed-in applications.
- 5). You must wait two weeks before you use your EIN for the following tasks: make an electronic payment, file an electronic return and pass an IRS Taxpayer Identification Number matching program. This is the amount of time required for the IRS to update its records with your number.