Change Is Good! I Think
You can be on the right track but if you just sit there; you are going to get run over! Change is constant so we need to accept it and be adaptable.
The more adaptable and flexible we are the better equipped we are to succeed in the world today.
Instead of dreading the new technology; embrace it and acknowledge what it can do to help you be able to participate in the world today.
I decided to jump in and get all the latest techno-toys to become a part of the now age.
I have become a boomer nerd! It was fun to see the look in the eyes of my granddaughters when they saw my new I-Phone; of course, most of the tunes that I had downloaded were the moldy oldies rock and roll tunes.
They also were shocked or embarrassed when they saw that I was on Face book and especially when I began tweeting them; they knew that their friends would soon see that Grandpa was on Twitter and was tweeting.
I still can't figure if they are proud or embarrassed! The thing is; if you learn to accept and learn it, the new technology is great for what it does! When I was in college; surfing was what we did when we were at the beach! Now I can spend all day surfing; visiting and learning new things without getting wet when I surf the net.
I have found that it also helps eliminate some of the dust and cobwebs from the inner recesses of my mind when I have to think and figure out a new concept on one of my new technical toys.
It is unbelievable how fast time flies when you are on the computer and then when you add in the page less device called the Kindle the day is shot! I do miss being able to make notes on the sides of the pages about my favorite passages in my books.
I don't know if I will ever snuggle up to a Kindle like I did some of my books! Still! Even with all the good things and time saving devices that the kids have; I believe they are missing out on some of the best things in life.
They are missing out on creating their own fun and using their personal imagination to venture to faraway places, even if it was only in the mind.
Most of the games on the Game boys and those on their computers seem to eliminate their use of their imagination.
Change is great and I agree we need to adapt to it! I just hope we don't lose that part of what makes us human!