The Best Foods to Stockpile
- Canned foods can last for years and provide you with many nutrients. They also stack well, so they are easy to store. You can find almost any food from stew to vegetables stored in cans, so your options are by no means limited. Browse the canned food section at your grocery store to find some foods you enjoy in a can. Just don't forget to store a can opener with your food reserves or you may not be able to open the cans when the time comes.
- Dehydrated fruit is always a good idea to store. Not only does it last a long time, but the fruit will actually plump up in your stomach when you eat it with a drink of water, so a little bit of fruit can go a long way to fill you up. Store the fruit in plastic bags where they will not get damp. Avoid mixing the fruits together in one bag or the taste might become a little distorted.
- Beans, granola and rice keep well if you store them in a dry place away from sunlight and harsh temperatures. Place them in an air-sealed container so that no bugs or other animals can find their way into your reserves. The beans and grains provide you with protein, fiber and carbohydrates that will help you feel full and energized after a meal. Check your bean and grain reserves often for rotting or infestation, as some insects and animals really enjoy dried grains.
- The dairy food group is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. While most liquid dairy products will spoil relatively quickly, powdered forms of the dairy products can last for quite a while. The taste and texture isn't the most pleasant thing to experience, but you will be glad of it in an emergency. Stockpile some water with the dehydrated dairy powders so you can return them to their liquid form when the time comes.