Marathon Run: Cardiovascular Adaptation and CV Risk
Marathon Run: Cardiovascular Adaptation and CV Risk
Numerous studies have reported clinically significant increases in serological markers potentially indicating myocardial damage during and/or directly after a marathon run. Recent findings, however, demonstrated that the elevated cardiac biomarkers regressed to normal values within a period of 24–48 h and, therefore, may be the result of transient and reversible alterations of the cardiac myocytes without negative clinical consequences. This interpretation is supported by a recent study of Hanssen et al. who combined measurements of cardiac biomarkers with cardiac magnetic resonance, including late gadolinium enhancement, demonstrating an absence of detectable myocardial necrosis despite a transient increase in cardiac biomarkers.
Nevertheless, taking into account the complexity of myocardial troponin and brain natriuretic peptide release, further experimental studies are warranted to elucidate the biochemical mechanisms and the clinical dignity of the increases in these cardiac biomarkers.
Marathon and Myocardial Injury
Numerous studies have reported clinically significant increases in serological markers potentially indicating myocardial damage during and/or directly after a marathon run. Recent findings, however, demonstrated that the elevated cardiac biomarkers regressed to normal values within a period of 24–48 h and, therefore, may be the result of transient and reversible alterations of the cardiac myocytes without negative clinical consequences. This interpretation is supported by a recent study of Hanssen et al. who combined measurements of cardiac biomarkers with cardiac magnetic resonance, including late gadolinium enhancement, demonstrating an absence of detectable myocardial necrosis despite a transient increase in cardiac biomarkers.
Nevertheless, taking into account the complexity of myocardial troponin and brain natriuretic peptide release, further experimental studies are warranted to elucidate the biochemical mechanisms and the clinical dignity of the increases in these cardiac biomarkers.