Acne Free in 3 Days - Does It Work That Quick?
If you've ever looked online at finding a solution to your acne chances are high that you've come across Acne Free In 3 Days, but what is it and does it work? Well, I once tried it when I had acne, and it's basically a 3 day program to clearing up bad skin using fasting system.
It involves eating nothing but apples for three days, as well as a couple of other things.
So, did it work for me? Or was it a waste of time and money? Well, after 2 days I didn't notice much difference or improvement to my skin, but after the final day my acne had pretty much calmed down and was clearing up.
Within a day or two after the fast my skin was nearly completely clear...
However, it didn't last long and my skin started to break out in acne again! A week after the fast, my acne was as bad as ever, and I was back to where I started...
The author of the program says you have to keep on doing the fast to get consistent results, but the thing is eating apples for three days is hard enough to do once, let alone repeatedly.
It leaves you with no energy and feeling horrible during the fast.
You pretty much have to sit around indoors doing nothing because of the lack of energy...
The problem is, which I found out later, was that this program doesn't tackle the root cause of acne, which is something that has to be done to permanently clear up acne.
It involves eating nothing but apples for three days, as well as a couple of other things.
So, did it work for me? Or was it a waste of time and money? Well, after 2 days I didn't notice much difference or improvement to my skin, but after the final day my acne had pretty much calmed down and was clearing up.
Within a day or two after the fast my skin was nearly completely clear...
However, it didn't last long and my skin started to break out in acne again! A week after the fast, my acne was as bad as ever, and I was back to where I started...
The author of the program says you have to keep on doing the fast to get consistent results, but the thing is eating apples for three days is hard enough to do once, let alone repeatedly.
It leaves you with no energy and feeling horrible during the fast.
You pretty much have to sit around indoors doing nothing because of the lack of energy...
The problem is, which I found out later, was that this program doesn't tackle the root cause of acne, which is something that has to be done to permanently clear up acne.