An Amazing Acne Remedy to Clear Your Skin Fast
Acne remedies come in many shapes and sizes and with many different ideas about what is good for you, and what isn't.
With so many people having different ideas about what makes a good acne remedy, how do you know which one to go for? The short answer is: go for them all.
One acne remedy is not necessary anything like the next, and (unfortunately) acne sufferers are all different and we're still working on a cure that fits all cases.
An acne remedy that might work for you might not work for the next person, but don't panic: there are acne remedies that do work for large groups so try these first.
Anyway, let's get on to my favourite acne remedy shall we? Before we do though, here's a few golden rules to stick with when you're choosing the next remedy to try.
Rule number 1: stick to natural remedies rather than chemical ones.
Abrasive treatments can cause or worsen skin damage and acne scarring, and you don't want that.
Go for natural remedies first,and if you've exhausted them all, then consider moving on to man-made approaches.
Rule number 2: you don't have to spend huge amounts of money.
Your doctor and dermatologist might tell you about the latest breakthrough cream from the far east that costs $1,000 per pot, but you don't have to buy it! Most natural acne remedies cost pennies or a few dollars and are much easier to get hold of.
Rule number 3: be patient and persevere.
Acne remedies, whether natural or man-made, aren't miracle cures.
Most will take a bit of effort and persistence, and may not work overnight.
With that said, there are plenty of cases where people have had dramatic results in a very short time with certain techniques, so keep your fingers crossed.
Now then, here's my all-powerful acne remedy: stay healthy.
Eat well, drink plenty of water and do plenty of exercise.
If you're in good physical and mental condition, it's easy to rule out any internal causes of acne and you can move on to more remedies which focus on ground zero - the actual acne.
In many cases though, acne is a symptom of an internal problem and it can be cleared very quickly with some very basic approaches to health.
With so many people having different ideas about what makes a good acne remedy, how do you know which one to go for? The short answer is: go for them all.
One acne remedy is not necessary anything like the next, and (unfortunately) acne sufferers are all different and we're still working on a cure that fits all cases.
An acne remedy that might work for you might not work for the next person, but don't panic: there are acne remedies that do work for large groups so try these first.
Anyway, let's get on to my favourite acne remedy shall we? Before we do though, here's a few golden rules to stick with when you're choosing the next remedy to try.
Rule number 1: stick to natural remedies rather than chemical ones.
Abrasive treatments can cause or worsen skin damage and acne scarring, and you don't want that.
Go for natural remedies first,and if you've exhausted them all, then consider moving on to man-made approaches.
Rule number 2: you don't have to spend huge amounts of money.
Your doctor and dermatologist might tell you about the latest breakthrough cream from the far east that costs $1,000 per pot, but you don't have to buy it! Most natural acne remedies cost pennies or a few dollars and are much easier to get hold of.
Rule number 3: be patient and persevere.
Acne remedies, whether natural or man-made, aren't miracle cures.
Most will take a bit of effort and persistence, and may not work overnight.
With that said, there are plenty of cases where people have had dramatic results in a very short time with certain techniques, so keep your fingers crossed.
Now then, here's my all-powerful acne remedy: stay healthy.
Eat well, drink plenty of water and do plenty of exercise.
If you're in good physical and mental condition, it's easy to rule out any internal causes of acne and you can move on to more remedies which focus on ground zero - the actual acne.
In many cases though, acne is a symptom of an internal problem and it can be cleared very quickly with some very basic approaches to health.