Best Home Remedies For Acne You Need to Know
To better understand the problems about acne, you need to know first what causes them.
Acne develops when the pores in our skin get congested with sebum, a kind of oil in our skin.
As a result, different types of acne appears - blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and the painful severe type called acne cysts.
Usually, a permanent scar appears on our skin after this type of acne heals.
As our hormones stream, more sebum are made.
This is the reason why teenagers get acne or women freak out when they get acne before menstruation.
Even women nearing the age of 40s and 50s also get acne due to fluctuations of their hormones as they get older.
They frantically search for all kinds of acne remedies and try all the best acne treatment that are recommended to them just to get rid of their acne problems.
You do not have to panic.
Fortunately, there are 12 ways on home remedies for acne that you can follow.
They are the most effective, and it really works! • Do no harm - In other words, do not dare to pick, press or rub.
Otherwise, you risk spreading the bacteria which may lead to scarring.
• Use benozyl peroxide - Start with the lowest concentration and work your way up (especially if you have sensitive skin).
The higher the concentration, the more irritating it maybe.
Use once or twice a day and if skin dries too much, use a mild moisturizer.
• Give other 'over the counter' products a shot - Also try products containing sulfur or resorcinol which help unplug oil glands by irritating them.
Though, benozyl peroxide is most effective, according to most dermatologists.
• Apply 'over the counter' products for prevention - Do not just spot it on existing acne also put it on acne prone areas: face, back and chest.
• Wash properly - Use a mild soap (Dove unscented, Tone Basis, Neutrogena) and rub lightly with fingertips and warm water.
For oily skin, use soap with benozyl peroxide.
• Do not exfoliate - Your skin is already irritated.
Do not use rough sponges, brushes or cleansers with granules for your face.
Though, for the back and chest, where skin is less sensitive, you can try acne scrub pads with soap.
• Watch out for oily products - Do not use oily pomades on your hair, heavy oil-based moisturizers and also oily cleansers.
And for make up, use water-based ones, instead.
• Forgo the facial - Most people giving facials are not trained to treat acne-prone skin and may do more harm than good.
• Do not rest your chin on your hands - Try not to constantly touch your face.
It causes trauma to acne, just like picking pimples.
• Screen out the sun - Too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer and premature aging.
Try using a sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher.
• Do not worry about diet - Chocolate, French fries and other foods have not yet been proven to have anything to do with teenage acne.
• Watch out for iodine - Some doctors believe that high levels of iodine can cause acne.
Acne develops when the pores in our skin get congested with sebum, a kind of oil in our skin.
As a result, different types of acne appears - blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and the painful severe type called acne cysts.
Usually, a permanent scar appears on our skin after this type of acne heals.
As our hormones stream, more sebum are made.
This is the reason why teenagers get acne or women freak out when they get acne before menstruation.
Even women nearing the age of 40s and 50s also get acne due to fluctuations of their hormones as they get older.
They frantically search for all kinds of acne remedies and try all the best acne treatment that are recommended to them just to get rid of their acne problems.
You do not have to panic.
Fortunately, there are 12 ways on home remedies for acne that you can follow.
They are the most effective, and it really works! • Do no harm - In other words, do not dare to pick, press or rub.
Otherwise, you risk spreading the bacteria which may lead to scarring.
• Use benozyl peroxide - Start with the lowest concentration and work your way up (especially if you have sensitive skin).
The higher the concentration, the more irritating it maybe.
Use once or twice a day and if skin dries too much, use a mild moisturizer.
• Give other 'over the counter' products a shot - Also try products containing sulfur or resorcinol which help unplug oil glands by irritating them.
Though, benozyl peroxide is most effective, according to most dermatologists.
• Apply 'over the counter' products for prevention - Do not just spot it on existing acne also put it on acne prone areas: face, back and chest.
• Wash properly - Use a mild soap (Dove unscented, Tone Basis, Neutrogena) and rub lightly with fingertips and warm water.
For oily skin, use soap with benozyl peroxide.
• Do not exfoliate - Your skin is already irritated.
Do not use rough sponges, brushes or cleansers with granules for your face.
Though, for the back and chest, where skin is less sensitive, you can try acne scrub pads with soap.
• Watch out for oily products - Do not use oily pomades on your hair, heavy oil-based moisturizers and also oily cleansers.
And for make up, use water-based ones, instead.
• Forgo the facial - Most people giving facials are not trained to treat acne-prone skin and may do more harm than good.
• Do not rest your chin on your hands - Try not to constantly touch your face.
It causes trauma to acne, just like picking pimples.
• Screen out the sun - Too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer and premature aging.
Try using a sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher.
• Do not worry about diet - Chocolate, French fries and other foods have not yet been proven to have anything to do with teenage acne.
• Watch out for iodine - Some doctors believe that high levels of iodine can cause acne.