Discover the Food That Causes Belly Fat
I'll bet you never thought that anything caused belly fat except, well, beer.
I mean, why not, right? "Beer belly" had to be named that way for good reason, right? Okay, well, not necessarily.
The fact is, plenty of the food you eat can contribute to your belly growing in size, not just alcohol.
So, I want to show you some of the top culprits that are making your days at the gym that much harder.
Group #1: Sugar - Refined sugars, specifically glucose, are horrible for you.
That means everything you sweeten by putting that lovely white table sugar into your recipe isn't good for you.
A little bit won't hurt, but that's why cakes, cookies and so many different foods are so dangerous.
That's why you want to avoid them, they just turn straight into at cells.
Group #2: White Flour Products - Products such as white flour, white bread and others are very close to having the same problem as sugars.
They are incredibly easily digested, so they just wind up turning into glucose really quickly, since your body isn't ready for the energy, so within five minutes, you're suddenly with more sugar than before.
Group #3: Alcohol - I know I already mentioned it, but let me repeat it for you.
They call it beer belly for a reason, and that reason is that alcohol has an incredibly high caloric content, and when mixed with sugary sodas, it just gets worse.
On top of that, the liver will release more hormones from the stress alcohol puts on it, which goes directly to your stomach.
I mean, why not, right? "Beer belly" had to be named that way for good reason, right? Okay, well, not necessarily.
The fact is, plenty of the food you eat can contribute to your belly growing in size, not just alcohol.
So, I want to show you some of the top culprits that are making your days at the gym that much harder.
Group #1: Sugar - Refined sugars, specifically glucose, are horrible for you.
That means everything you sweeten by putting that lovely white table sugar into your recipe isn't good for you.
A little bit won't hurt, but that's why cakes, cookies and so many different foods are so dangerous.
That's why you want to avoid them, they just turn straight into at cells.
Group #2: White Flour Products - Products such as white flour, white bread and others are very close to having the same problem as sugars.
They are incredibly easily digested, so they just wind up turning into glucose really quickly, since your body isn't ready for the energy, so within five minutes, you're suddenly with more sugar than before.
Group #3: Alcohol - I know I already mentioned it, but let me repeat it for you.
They call it beer belly for a reason, and that reason is that alcohol has an incredibly high caloric content, and when mixed with sugary sodas, it just gets worse.
On top of that, the liver will release more hormones from the stress alcohol puts on it, which goes directly to your stomach.