How to Get Rid of Spots On Chest
- 1). Protect your chest when exercising outdoors. People who spend a great deal of time outdoors often develop brown chest spots. These spots occur from a combination of sweat and ray exposure from the sun. Protect your chest by applying sunscreen daily or keep your chest covered while outdoors.
- 2). Use a chemical peel to remove brown spots from your chest. A peel containing glycolic acid can gently remove spots that have been discolored by the sun. Use Skin Effects--a glycolic peel kit available at CVS pharmacy for $24.99.
- 3). Get rid of spots on your chest by using an all-natural fade ingredient. Grab a sliced lemon and apply the lemon directly to your skin. You will notice lighter skin after only a few weeks of applications.
- 4). Get rid of bothersome chest spots by using a skin-safe bleaching cream. Look for bleaching creams that are safe enough to use on sensitive skin. Follow packaging directions carefully.