5 Male Turn Ons
This is said simply to remind the reader that these are not hard and fast rules as to what will grab a males attention because everyone is different and has specific things that they will tend to gravitate to more than others.
So this is more like a short list of guidelines to help gain a little insight into the male mind and to what seems to make it tick in the most vast and general sort of ways.
Adventurous Women who are free spirited seem to grab the males attention.
The ones who try new things and seem to be a little bit wild, not completely wild like a crazy person, just a little hint of a wild side seems to get noticed by most guys probably due to the challenge that guys seem to see the need to take on.
Strong sense of self esteem Despite common stereotypes that says most men don't want an equal in a relationship but rather some one that is more subservient in nature seems to be a bit of myth.
The truth is that most guys want a woman who is capable of being able to think for themselves and is confident in who they are.
Men Tire of females who are sad sacs and need to constantly be told how great or wonderful or beautiful they are.
Accents This seems to go both ways actually in that it's a turn on for both men and women.
It doesn't even really matter what kind of accent it is or really if its real or not, who cares.
Things that are different give the appearance of being exotic and therefore become a turn on.
Love thine own body Guys are wired differently then women in the fact that they tend to be more visually stimulated then women.
Of course that's no secret guys, whether in a relationship or not are continually admiring God's most wonderful creation and their assets if you will.
But men love when a women knows what she's got and isn't afraid to use it to her advantage.
Leaving it to the imagination.
Classy women will always attract more male attention then the trailer park stripper who they've all seen bear everything before.
Men tend to prefer the art of seduction and would much rather be teased with just a little sample of what else Is to come rather than just showing your "hand" so to speak.