Can a California Non-Resident Claim Unemployment in California?
- To collect unemployment insurance benefits in California, you must be out of work due to no fault of your own, physically able to work, actively seeking work and ready to accept work. You must document work searches in a weekly work search log and submit a claim in a bi-weekly form. Failure to complete either form will result in loss or delay of your unemployment insurance benefits.
- Benefits are calculated using the earnings you made during your base period, which starts 15 to 17 months prior to the date when your claim is filed. The amount paid each week is calculated based on the calendar quarter with the highest earnings you made during the base period, according to the California Employment Development Department. Work and earnings from another state, the federal government, military service or work overseas can be used to establish a claim. You do not have to be a California resident to collect unemployment insurance benefits in California. However, you must have worked for an employer who paid into California unemployment insurance program. Truck drivers, for example, can opt to have taxes withheld in California even if they do not reside in California permanently.
- Most work performed in California or in other states qualifies an individual for unemployment insurance benefits, according to the California Employment Development Department. Contact the Employment Development Department to determine whether you are entitled to benefits. Generally, self-employment does not qualify you for unemployment insurance benefits.
- When applying for unemployment insurance benefits, file a claim with your name and Social Security account number, mailing address, telephone number, employment history for the previous 18 months, including start and end dates of employment and salary, driver's license number, the reason you are no longer working and your citizenship status.