How to Fix Matted Fur
- 1). Relax your pet by feeding it and cuddling with it. When your pet is relaxed, brush it with a normal grooming brush, avoiding the mats, to remove any shed hair and straighten unmatted fur.
- 2). Attempt to untangle small mats by hand; do not wet the fur, as this will only tighten it and increase your pet's discomfort.
- 3). Apply powdered corn starch directly to tangled fur and use a de-matting comb to slowly work it loose, starting at the ends of the fur and working deeper into the coat. Work gently to avoid causing pain or discomfort to your pet, and take a small break from grooming if your pet expresses severe anxiety.
- 4). Use sharp scissors to carefully cut away mats that cannot be removed by hand or with a de-matting comb. Cut small pieces off one at a time, starting at the top of the fur and slowly moving toward skin level. Use caution when cutting near the skin, as dog and cat skin is thin and easily cut. Take short breaks if your pet expresses anxiety; never attempt to cut the fur of a pet that won't remain still.
- 5). Avoid future mats by brushing your pet with a grooming brush every day to remove tangles before they become a problem. Trim your pet's fur regularly, as longer fur is more prone to matting and deeper mats are much more difficult to remove.