Beating Teenage Acne
To deal with this condition, understand that modern techniques and treatments are effective at reducing its effects.
Since acne has been classified as an infection, and not just something that happens because you are in the teenage years, science and medical expertise has developed several ways of dealing with it.
One old fable that has been eliminated is that you get acne from eating chocolate or greasy foods.
But you can make it worse by using oily skin products that clog your pores.
It is true however that the condition of the skin can be improved in the case of all disorders by treating it from within as well as without.
That is to say that the blood supply to the skin should be in top order.
Treatment of acne can thus be effected on three accounts, proprietary medicated acne creams, face washing, and taken per mouth remedies.
Skin care and face washing.
Scratching, rubbing and picking at acne spots will make them more susceptible to infection, and result in longer scarring.
In order to gain the best out of any acne cream, it should be used in conjunction with a consistent face washing program.
Whatever is applied to the skin during puberty should not include any oils or oil based substance.
This will add to the problem.
So find a water based, gentle face wash and use twice a day.
The cleaners must be mild, do not wash too often or else the skin will dry out.
The result will be that the daily cycle of grime that forms is removed, diminishing the possibility of pores becoming blocked.
The ideal treatments are defined for the stages of acne.
Stage 1.
Mild with white heads and blackheads.
If you get periodic outbreaks of a few pimples, obtain an over the counter an acne cream.
Select one that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
Be patient and continue with the use as per the supplied instructions, even for longer than a month.
Expect a deterioration in the condition before it starts to improve.
After two months, if a noticeable improvement has not taken place choose another product with different ingredients Stage 2 -Minor red bumps known as papules, to Stage 5 - Large swollen lumps called pustules which reside in the upper skin layers which heal without permanent scars.
At this stage the best advice is to get professional, usually a general practitioners examination, and start a course of prescription medication.
This usually takes the form of cream and oral medication - such as topical retinoids and oral antibiotics.
Patience again is required for clearing of the acne, but it generally takes place, and even in severe cases of acne success can be as high as 80% after five months of treatment.
Note that your skin will be particularly sensitive to direct sunlight while you are on this treatment.
Further treatment.
Topical antibiotics, antibiotic creams.
Antibiotics may be included in more active cases of infection, however there is a limit as to how long a patient can continue on them before antigens develop a resistance to them.
If the initial prescription is not doing the job of suppressing infection, then your practitioner will probably switch to another antibiotic.
In cases where female patients have not responded to the above treatment, oral contraceptives, and occasionally androgen hormone suppressants can be administered.
These will regulate the hormone situation in females.
Acne scars.
The red marks left after an infected pimple has healed will take six to twelve months to remodel and go.
If they remain after a year, they can be considered permanent.
The only option left then is to undergo dermatological restorative therapy.
Until acne outbreaks have been cleared completely, scar treatment is not recommended.
There are various procedures that are available to restore the skin after serious acne scarring, however they do not come cheaply.
Points to consider.
There is some evidence in medical research that a combination of antibiotics and oral contraceptives can reduce the effectiveness of the oral contraceptives.
Retinoids are suitable for maintenance treatment due to their wide ranging anti-acne success without causing bacterial resistance over the long-term and their anti-inflammatory effects.
However there are usually relapses when treatment is withdrawn following successful initial therapy.
Used topically as a gel or cream the adverse effects are related mainly to local effects, such as dryness, itching and stinging.
To avoid your acne reaching a serious problem as from stages 3 upwards, it makes sense to initiate long term treatment as soon as possible.
As with any health issue in a persons life, from physical to psychological, the key therapy is to be found in stimulating blood circulation.
The reasons are always obvious, but forever require repeating.
Apart from supplying fresh oxygen to the bodies cells, carbon dioxide and toxins are removed.
Thus the cell cycle is boosted for more efficient functioning.
Considering that our entire body is made up from cells of differing varieties, the effort put into some cardio stimulation results in beneficial health gains.
Since acne has been classified as an infection, and not just something that happens because you are in the teenage years, science and medical expertise has developed several ways of dealing with it.
One old fable that has been eliminated is that you get acne from eating chocolate or greasy foods.
But you can make it worse by using oily skin products that clog your pores.
It is true however that the condition of the skin can be improved in the case of all disorders by treating it from within as well as without.
That is to say that the blood supply to the skin should be in top order.
Treatment of acne can thus be effected on three accounts, proprietary medicated acne creams, face washing, and taken per mouth remedies.
Skin care and face washing.
Scratching, rubbing and picking at acne spots will make them more susceptible to infection, and result in longer scarring.
In order to gain the best out of any acne cream, it should be used in conjunction with a consistent face washing program.
Whatever is applied to the skin during puberty should not include any oils or oil based substance.
This will add to the problem.
So find a water based, gentle face wash and use twice a day.
The cleaners must be mild, do not wash too often or else the skin will dry out.
The result will be that the daily cycle of grime that forms is removed, diminishing the possibility of pores becoming blocked.
The ideal treatments are defined for the stages of acne.
Stage 1.
Mild with white heads and blackheads.
If you get periodic outbreaks of a few pimples, obtain an over the counter an acne cream.
Select one that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
Be patient and continue with the use as per the supplied instructions, even for longer than a month.
Expect a deterioration in the condition before it starts to improve.
After two months, if a noticeable improvement has not taken place choose another product with different ingredients Stage 2 -Minor red bumps known as papules, to Stage 5 - Large swollen lumps called pustules which reside in the upper skin layers which heal without permanent scars.
At this stage the best advice is to get professional, usually a general practitioners examination, and start a course of prescription medication.
This usually takes the form of cream and oral medication - such as topical retinoids and oral antibiotics.
Patience again is required for clearing of the acne, but it generally takes place, and even in severe cases of acne success can be as high as 80% after five months of treatment.
Note that your skin will be particularly sensitive to direct sunlight while you are on this treatment.
Further treatment.
Topical antibiotics, antibiotic creams.
Antibiotics may be included in more active cases of infection, however there is a limit as to how long a patient can continue on them before antigens develop a resistance to them.
If the initial prescription is not doing the job of suppressing infection, then your practitioner will probably switch to another antibiotic.
In cases where female patients have not responded to the above treatment, oral contraceptives, and occasionally androgen hormone suppressants can be administered.
These will regulate the hormone situation in females.
Acne scars.
The red marks left after an infected pimple has healed will take six to twelve months to remodel and go.
If they remain after a year, they can be considered permanent.
The only option left then is to undergo dermatological restorative therapy.
Until acne outbreaks have been cleared completely, scar treatment is not recommended.
There are various procedures that are available to restore the skin after serious acne scarring, however they do not come cheaply.
Points to consider.
There is some evidence in medical research that a combination of antibiotics and oral contraceptives can reduce the effectiveness of the oral contraceptives.
Retinoids are suitable for maintenance treatment due to their wide ranging anti-acne success without causing bacterial resistance over the long-term and their anti-inflammatory effects.
However there are usually relapses when treatment is withdrawn following successful initial therapy.
Used topically as a gel or cream the adverse effects are related mainly to local effects, such as dryness, itching and stinging.
To avoid your acne reaching a serious problem as from stages 3 upwards, it makes sense to initiate long term treatment as soon as possible.
As with any health issue in a persons life, from physical to psychological, the key therapy is to be found in stimulating blood circulation.
The reasons are always obvious, but forever require repeating.
Apart from supplying fresh oxygen to the bodies cells, carbon dioxide and toxins are removed.
Thus the cell cycle is boosted for more efficient functioning.
Considering that our entire body is made up from cells of differing varieties, the effort put into some cardio stimulation results in beneficial health gains.