Know When to Right-click or Left-click in Microsoft Office
When using a mouse, you have options to right-click or left-click. Here's a rule of thumb on when do use each when using programs such as Microsoft Office.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Less than 5 Minutes
Here's How:
- Click the left mouse button once for selecting commands or tools. This is the one usually referred to when someone says to click on something.
- Click the right mouse button once for contextual menus, or options based on the object or area you clicked in. For example, if I right-click a cell in Excel, I see options for formatting that cell.
- Sometimes, if you highlight a range of text, a Mini Toolbar will popup, which is a contextual menu even though you highlighted using a left-button drag or multiple clicks. Find out more: Double-click or Triple-click Text in Microsoft Office or Select Text in Microsoft Office by Clicking in the Left Margin.
What You Need:
- Microsoft Office