Three Steps to Gaining Muscle and Getting the Body You Deserve
In this article we are going to talk about how to gain muscle faster than you ever have before.
1-Don't follow other people As we kind of already discussed, everybody is made up of different cells and muscle fiber types.
If you see somebody in the gym performing four sets of ten reps and getting some great results, good for him but that won't work for you.
For most skinny guys, we build muscle best in the four to six rep range with four to six sets.
2-Eat more calories Muscle is build off of food, if you don't eat enough food you will not gain very much muscle.
Because of this you need to be eating at least six large meals per day.
If you want a good tip on getting those extra few calories, just sip on a drink that has calories all day, Gatorade is the perfect example of this kind of drink.
3-Don't work out to long If you notice that you are working out for longer than an hour, then you need to stop and go home even if you are not done with your workout.
For us skinny guys, we burn a lot of calories and our muscles get tired quickly.
If you are longer than an hour your muscles will just be over trained and you will have burned way to many calories.