How To Make The Most Of A Free Portfolio Website: Five Useful Tips
Do not just upload all your works
If you are snap-happy like most amateur and professional photographers, chances are there that you have already built a large collection of photos. However, potential buyers are not really interested in taking a look at all of your photos. If you are a photo geek, select your best works and segregate them based on subjects. After that, create various sub-folders and start uploading your photos one by one. Do not overburden your critics, admirers and potential buyers by uploading more than 20 photographs.
Showcase your expertise
Your portfolio should best describe your distinctive style and your knowledge about the technical aspects of photography. You should upload the photographs that depict your use of various photographic techniques. You should also show your expertise across domains and compartmentalize your works accordingly.
Do not choose the same type twice
Being different in each photo you upload is always a great way to prove your versatility. As there are multiple photo uploading and sharing websites such as Flickr or Picasa that your potential customers can easily browse, they are already too fatigued with the photographic stereotypes, kudos to those amateurs who keep uploading their photos online, without really knowing a bit about the art and business of photography. If you want to make a great first impression, you should first liberate your portfolio visitor from the monotony of seeing repetitive styles and techniques. Your job is to surprise them true photo lovers by using a free portfolio website.
You need to understand client needs
Keep in mind that a significant percentage of your portfolio traffic consists of business owners and ad makers who are looking for outstandingly creative people who can assist them with branding and promotional campaign. Therefore, you should keep in mind client expectations and needs aside from giving preference to your own photographic endeavors.
Naming your projects
Your portfolio sections should be unambiguously reamed so that the visitors to your portfolio can find the sections they are looking for effortlessly. Naming projects correctly can be your first step in getting assignments.
If you want to host your online photography portfolio on a shared domain, search for portfolio websites that provide portfolio design and hosting services.