eBay Micro Niche Income Stream - Make Money With Plastic Canvas Patterns
Do you remember those cutesy Kleenex box covers that seemed so popular 15 or 20 years ago? Well, many folks are still merrily weaving yarn through hundreds of little holes, and there is a steady eBay money making income stream from this eBay sub-niche.
Some ideas about how to tap into this eBay sub-niche Allow me to explain what I am talking about.
The thousands of plastic canvas pattern booklets and magazines that are floating around out there.
If you look on eBay, at first glance, this does not appear to be an attractive eBay sub-niche, but done properly, this can be a profitable little niche.
First let me say that there are very few items in this sub-niche that will bring $35 or more on their own.
However, by grouping selected items into larger lots it is not that hard to reach the $35-$50 range and some times even higher.
The ONLY WAY of profiting from this sub- niche on eBay, you must keep your inventory costs as low as possible, sell the best ones individually, and then to sell everything else in lots of 50-100 booklets or magazines.
Where can you buy them? You will be surprised how many are available at garage & yard sales when you start looking for them.
And when you find them at sales, you will usually find a whole bunch at one time.
Another possible source is thrift shops.
Some thrift shops don't bother with craft items, but if they do there will be plastic canvas pattern books mixed in with everything else.
What should you pay for them? Try not to pay more then 10 cents per booklet or magazine.
Most are individually priced anywhere from 5 or 10 cents on up to 50 to 75 cents each, however, since you usually find them in bunches, count them out, multiply by 10 cents each, and off the seller that much or even a little less for all of them they have.
You will be surprised how often you will buy them.
You will also find that thrift store prices will vary from store to store but usually prices range anywhere from $.
50 to $1 each and that's way too much.
DO NOT PAY MORE THAN 10 CENTS!! To finish reading the rest of this article, please refer to the resource box.