What Is Considered Sex Appeal By A Man"s Standards? Here Is What You Should Know About Sex Appeal
When something is sexy, it has sexual connotations.
This means that it stimulates sexual appetite or hunger.
Sex appeal means that something has a physical attractiveness and attracts members of the opposing sex.
A lot of women know men are visual creatures and have sex on their mind all the time.
Against what most people belief, we don't really actually think of sex every few seconds as was once stated by sex expert Alfred Kinsey.
In fact, after a recent study, it was determined that only a little more than 50% of men think about sex a few times a day.
With that being said, men must know that women don't think about sex as much as men do.
That's pretty obvious, and what would be interesting to know is who many times do women actually think about their own sexiness? I would have to say probably more than men think about sex.
Men who have a lower emotional maturity are more likely to prone to think of a women's sex appeal, and have sex more on their mind.
Because they haven't yet developed themselves to think above primordial desires.
Women are more selective about their partner than men.
They take in such things into consideration as the cost of having sex, and what might happen as a result.