How I Potty Trained Twins: Part 2
I was not successful the first time around but gave it some time and tried again months later.
My husband and I started again to potty train at two years, six months and three weeks.
Here are the steps for potty training Kammerer style: In the beginning, I was not consistent about them using the potties, especially when we were out.
At naptime and at the end of the day they would sit on the potties one last time and then we would put on their diapers.
We put a strip of duct tape to hold the closures on the diapers, as they found it amusing to take their diapers off once they were in their cribs.
We have renamed it "Sleepy Tape.
" Each time they go pee in their potties they get a sticker to put on their chart.
When they finish a row (eight stickers), they get three jellybeans.
For every poop they do on the potty they automatically get three jellybeans.
In the beginning of training, the inevitable happened - one of the twins finished a row before the other.
I stuck to the rules and said that the other needed to finish the row.
It took a few days and many tears but now they know the rules "are the rules" and have accepted it as fact.
We did this routine for almost two weeks.
We decided that a long weekend would be ideal to start the full on potty training.
We prepared them a few days before by saying that the Diaper Fairy was coming to pick up their pull-ups and take them to the babies that needed them.
Since they were now big kids, they would no longer need diapers during the day and only use them when sleeping.
Day 1 -We started the day by putting the potties in the play area along with their sticker charts, toilet paper, wet wipes and timer.
We continued the reward system just as always.
However, to make getting on the potties quick and easy we dressed them in a T-shirt and socks: no diapers, no pull-ups and no underwear - just bare bottoms all day excluding bedtime.
All morning we set the timer to ring every 20 minutes.
That is when we would have them go to the potty.
At first Walter, my son, did a tiny bit of pee where he was playing and then ran to the potty to finish.
We did not have one accident after that.
After their nap, we decided to set the timer for 30 minute intervals.
This worked as well.
Day 2 - The only change this day is the addition of underpants.
We had gone to the store days earlier to let them pick out their underpants with favorite characters as an incentive.
We had a couple of accidents, I think for two reasons.
I think the feel of underpants gave them a false sense of security and it was a bit challenging, for them, to get the underpants down quick enough at times.
For the most part, they did great.
Day 3 - It seems Walter regressed a little.
Whenever the timer rings, he runs away from the potty.
He will sit but not without protesting first.
Once he sits and does his business, he is happy about it and very insistent on his reward whether it be a sticker or jellybeans.
He has had a couple of accidents today but is still going strong.
Bella, my daughter, is pretty much potty trained.
She only had one accident when she was watching a science DVD and was so engrossed that she just let loose.
She was shocked, as was I.
Our faces must have been priceless.
Later my husband James and I decided to take them out for dinner.
We put a diaper on Walter and not Bella.
Before leaving the house, we had them use the potties.
When we arrived at the restaurant, they used the portable potty in the car.
After we left, again they used the portable potty.
When we got home, they used the potties again.
By the time we got home Walter had a very wet diaper and Bella was dry.
I know it will not be long before Walter is off daytime diapers.
Then we will be onto the next milestone (times two).
Even for someone like me, who has been through this time and time again, it is not as simple as following steps A through Z and all is perfect.
The key is to remember that every child is different, just look at Bella and Walter.
When you do not know what to do, seek out information that makes the most sense to you and tweak it to fit your child.
(Editor's Note: The opinions are not medical advice.
Always consult your pediatrician about any changes you are contemplating.