Beware Of Traditional Piano Lessons
First of all, don't get me wrong, traditional piano lessons have helped thousands of people over the years, but too many of these students end up spending 4 years in college learning how to play music that other people wrote and composed.
Why not branch out and be creative? Make your own music! Too many aspiring pianists sit at a piano with some sheet music of a dead composer in front of them, listening to their teacher tell them to play it correctly.
Huh? Why does music have to be played "correctly?" Yes, there are certain techniques that must be performed correctly, but as far as the music is concerned, I say put your own style to it.
Just imagine someone who is studying to be a journalist or writer, and being told to copy someone elses writings correctly? Copy them word for word? Is that correct? No I don't think so.
Although many people think this is being creative, it's actually re-creative, because you're just re-creating what someone else has done.
The reason the teachers do this is to allow these students to hear what is considered good music.
This arrogance is really noticeable in classical music cliques.
Believe me, I love all kinds of music, but I don't waste too much time attempting to recreate what has already been done.
I'd rather spend time connecting with myself and my inner music will automatically come out.
I say, anybody can be a composer.
Anybody can be creative.
All that is required is the desire.
You need to actually want to express yourself through music.
This is what gave Beethoven such passion.
It's as easy as touching your fingers to the piano and making sound.
Use your judgement, does the music sound good to you? Obviously, most pianists want their music to appeal to others also, or you might not want to play it very loud (Ha! Ha!).
But be proud of the music you create if it makes you feel good.
The best music has not already been created; there is a ton of music inside students across the world, just waiting to be played for other peoples ears.
Why not branch out and be creative? Make your own music! Too many aspiring pianists sit at a piano with some sheet music of a dead composer in front of them, listening to their teacher tell them to play it correctly.
Huh? Why does music have to be played "correctly?" Yes, there are certain techniques that must be performed correctly, but as far as the music is concerned, I say put your own style to it.
Just imagine someone who is studying to be a journalist or writer, and being told to copy someone elses writings correctly? Copy them word for word? Is that correct? No I don't think so.
Although many people think this is being creative, it's actually re-creative, because you're just re-creating what someone else has done.
The reason the teachers do this is to allow these students to hear what is considered good music.
This arrogance is really noticeable in classical music cliques.
Believe me, I love all kinds of music, but I don't waste too much time attempting to recreate what has already been done.
I'd rather spend time connecting with myself and my inner music will automatically come out.
I say, anybody can be a composer.
Anybody can be creative.
All that is required is the desire.
You need to actually want to express yourself through music.
This is what gave Beethoven such passion.
It's as easy as touching your fingers to the piano and making sound.
Use your judgement, does the music sound good to you? Obviously, most pianists want their music to appeal to others also, or you might not want to play it very loud (Ha! Ha!).
But be proud of the music you create if it makes you feel good.
The best music has not already been created; there is a ton of music inside students across the world, just waiting to be played for other peoples ears.