How to Make a Internet Signal Booster
- 1). Download the Parabolic Reflector Template from FreeAntennas.Com. Print the template, then place it over thin wire mesh.
- 2). Cut the wire mesh to the same dimensions as the template. Cover the wire mesh with a layer of aluminum foil. At this point, the wire mesh is square-shaped.
- 3). Place the template over a piece of cardboard. Cut the semicircle portion of the template out of the cardboard using a utility knife. Puncture a hole in the center of the semi-circle cardboard. The hole is the focal point. Use the template to puncture the exact location of the focal point.
- 4). Cover the cardboard with aluminum foil. Glue the edge of the round portion of the cardboard to the middle of the wire mesh. Use super glue. The wire mesh bends to the round outline of the cardboard.
- 5). Place your router's antennae in the hold in the semicircle or the focal point. Your Internet signal booster is ready to use.