Breaking the Ice on the First Date
This scenario has happened to many people and has also destroyed any chance of the date turning into anything further. After all, how can you think of having a relationship with someone you can't communicate with? What a way to end what could have been a perfect night! Whether this has happened to you or you fear it may, here are some ideas to overcome this all too common problem.
Even if you're normally the friendliest person in the world and someone your friends just can't seem to shut up, you may experience a sudden shyness and inability to speak when you're on a first date with someone special. Getting your date to open up about something that interests them is always a good choice. Be specific about your questions and avoid questions requiring only a yes or no answer. Don't pry, but stick to simple questions.
Some people may love talking about their family but not wish to discuss their work. If you ask enough simple questions, you'll eventually hit on the subject that interests them and keeps them talking. Once they begin talking, you'll feel more open as well. If you're poor at everyday conversation but good at telling jokes, try telling a joke as long as it's not one that could be offensive.
If you're still having difficulty thinking of something to break the ice, a simple compliment always works well. Tell them you like their shirt or ask about their car. Men typically enjoy talking about their cars while females tend to enjoy discussing their work or family.
Try to avoid topics that may be controversial such as religion or politics. Although men tend to enjoy sports, keep in mind that you may be a fan of a competing team. This may not be the best way to get a friendly conversation going. If you know each other from school or work, a good topic might be something you both in common.
Many first dates take place in movies or restaurants (the traditional dinner and movie date). You might want to ask what their favorite food is or what type of movies they enjoy. Usually this type of conversation is easy to keep going and will lead to more conversation. By the time the night is over, you'll wonder what all the worry was about!