12 “Foods†and Substances That Challenge Your Health
Want better health? Eliminate these toxins and strive for a balanced diet. This list is a guideline of things to eliminate to gain better health.
1. Processed and Packaged Foods - Do you read labels on containers of processed or packaged foods? Mostly, they include additives, like MSG (disguised with other names) and other substances you do not recognize or cannot pronounce. Remember, packaged foods may be convenient, but they are not whole, natural foods. They are man-made products, which will fill you up but, not fuel the body.
2. Fast Foods - They are laced with chemicals that are stimulating, addictive, and have allergy producing substances. These substances are put into €foods€ to make it taste better so you will buy it.
3. Meat, Poultry, Fish, and their by-products - These are highly acidic protein foods that can erode the nutrient absorbing villi in the intestines, cause constipation, and can stimulate the start of chronic disease.
4. Sugar - It has no nutritive value. It is processed to the point of being white, with added stabilizers to keep it from caking, and chemicals to change the color and taste into what you are familiar with, white sugar. Brown sugar is white sugar with molasses. It is not any better than white sugar.
5. Artificial Sweeteners - are in package foods, diet drinks, and desserts. They come in individual blue, pink, and yellow packages. They are offered at restaurant, coffee houses and at supermarkets. They are known as Equal, Sweeta, Splenda, or Aspartame. These artificial sweeteners are not a natural product. They do not come from plants foods. They are chemically processed. Artificial sweeteners are excitotoxins - stimulating your nervous system. It eventually kills nerve cells and destroys your health by giving you auto-immune diseases. Eliminate these products in your food. Instead, use Stevia, a natural plant derived product that comes in green packages or in liquid form. Even though Stevia is processed, it is a healthier option over the blue, pink and yellow packages.
6. Table Salt - Did you know that table salt is processed with chemicals? How do you suppose it gets its pristine color of white? Could it be Chlorine? Yes, it is bleached. Bleach is another toxin in your food. Use Celtic Sea Salt, Himalayan Sea Salt or Real Salt, instead.
7. White flour, white rice, and white pasta - They are stripped of their nutrients and fiber during the milling process. White potatoes, as in Russet baking potatoes, also have little nutrient value. They contain high amount of starch ending up as a gluey glob in your stomach. These €foods€ will fill you up and fill you out. It is better to eat whole grain products, legumes, brown and wild rice.
8. Hydrogenated Oils and Trans-fats - They are man-made products and are plentiful in our food supply. Unsaturated oils are put through a hydrogenation process where liquid is formed into a solid fat. Most trans-fats come from hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. A small amount of trans-fats come from animal foods such as meat and dairy, and possibly a minute amount from vegetables. Your body cannot metabolize trans-fats or hydrogenated oils. They end up in your fat cells where you can gain weight.
9. Coffee, Caffeinated Tea, Soft Drinks - They are stimulants, very addictive, toxic and acidic to the body. They €steal€ vitamins and minerals from your body. Cut down and then cut them out. This will prevent you from suffering from headaches and other symptoms of withdrawal. The more outside stimulation your body receives, the less energy you have.
10. Chlorine and Fluoride - They are by-products from the chemical and aluminum industry and are reported by these industries to provide health benefits against bacteria and other €germs€. These by-products are poisons and do not belong in the body. They lock up alkalizing minerals in the body and help create disease. Use water and toothpaste without these chemicals. Water cleansed by reverse osmosis, purifier, or alkalized using alkaline drops or an ionizer are better to use.
11. Dairy Products - Studies indicate that the countries where people drink the most milk have the most instances of osteoporosis. Sure, milk has calcium but it also has phosphorus, which has a negative effect on calcium in the body. You can get your calcium from the vegetable kingdom, especially from greens.
12. Alcohol Products - Alcohol, whether it comes from hard liquor, beer or wine is absorbed directly into the blood stream from the stomach. It will give you a direct hit of relaxation and calmness. But, this is why alcohol is an addictive substance. It is also acidic to your body. Liquor is fermented, brewed and turns into ethanol, a toxic poison. Wine is fermented and usually processed with sulfites that kill the natural enzymes in grapes.
1. Processed and Packaged Foods - Do you read labels on containers of processed or packaged foods? Mostly, they include additives, like MSG (disguised with other names) and other substances you do not recognize or cannot pronounce. Remember, packaged foods may be convenient, but they are not whole, natural foods. They are man-made products, which will fill you up but, not fuel the body.
2. Fast Foods - They are laced with chemicals that are stimulating, addictive, and have allergy producing substances. These substances are put into €foods€ to make it taste better so you will buy it.
3. Meat, Poultry, Fish, and their by-products - These are highly acidic protein foods that can erode the nutrient absorbing villi in the intestines, cause constipation, and can stimulate the start of chronic disease.
4. Sugar - It has no nutritive value. It is processed to the point of being white, with added stabilizers to keep it from caking, and chemicals to change the color and taste into what you are familiar with, white sugar. Brown sugar is white sugar with molasses. It is not any better than white sugar.
5. Artificial Sweeteners - are in package foods, diet drinks, and desserts. They come in individual blue, pink, and yellow packages. They are offered at restaurant, coffee houses and at supermarkets. They are known as Equal, Sweeta, Splenda, or Aspartame. These artificial sweeteners are not a natural product. They do not come from plants foods. They are chemically processed. Artificial sweeteners are excitotoxins - stimulating your nervous system. It eventually kills nerve cells and destroys your health by giving you auto-immune diseases. Eliminate these products in your food. Instead, use Stevia, a natural plant derived product that comes in green packages or in liquid form. Even though Stevia is processed, it is a healthier option over the blue, pink and yellow packages.
6. Table Salt - Did you know that table salt is processed with chemicals? How do you suppose it gets its pristine color of white? Could it be Chlorine? Yes, it is bleached. Bleach is another toxin in your food. Use Celtic Sea Salt, Himalayan Sea Salt or Real Salt, instead.
7. White flour, white rice, and white pasta - They are stripped of their nutrients and fiber during the milling process. White potatoes, as in Russet baking potatoes, also have little nutrient value. They contain high amount of starch ending up as a gluey glob in your stomach. These €foods€ will fill you up and fill you out. It is better to eat whole grain products, legumes, brown and wild rice.
8. Hydrogenated Oils and Trans-fats - They are man-made products and are plentiful in our food supply. Unsaturated oils are put through a hydrogenation process where liquid is formed into a solid fat. Most trans-fats come from hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. A small amount of trans-fats come from animal foods such as meat and dairy, and possibly a minute amount from vegetables. Your body cannot metabolize trans-fats or hydrogenated oils. They end up in your fat cells where you can gain weight.
9. Coffee, Caffeinated Tea, Soft Drinks - They are stimulants, very addictive, toxic and acidic to the body. They €steal€ vitamins and minerals from your body. Cut down and then cut them out. This will prevent you from suffering from headaches and other symptoms of withdrawal. The more outside stimulation your body receives, the less energy you have.
10. Chlorine and Fluoride - They are by-products from the chemical and aluminum industry and are reported by these industries to provide health benefits against bacteria and other €germs€. These by-products are poisons and do not belong in the body. They lock up alkalizing minerals in the body and help create disease. Use water and toothpaste without these chemicals. Water cleansed by reverse osmosis, purifier, or alkalized using alkaline drops or an ionizer are better to use.
11. Dairy Products - Studies indicate that the countries where people drink the most milk have the most instances of osteoporosis. Sure, milk has calcium but it also has phosphorus, which has a negative effect on calcium in the body. You can get your calcium from the vegetable kingdom, especially from greens.
12. Alcohol Products - Alcohol, whether it comes from hard liquor, beer or wine is absorbed directly into the blood stream from the stomach. It will give you a direct hit of relaxation and calmness. But, this is why alcohol is an addictive substance. It is also acidic to your body. Liquor is fermented, brewed and turns into ethanol, a toxic poison. Wine is fermented and usually processed with sulfites that kill the natural enzymes in grapes.