The Sick And Suffering Need Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
When designing regulations, it is crucial to remember that at its core this is a healthcare issue, requiring the involvement and leadership of local departments of public health, said Nathan Miley, Alameda County supervisor. A pro-active healthcare-based approach can effectively address problems before they arise, and communities can design methods for safe, legal access to medical marijuana while keeping the patients' needs foremost.
Besides the possibility to obtain cannabis flowers, cannabis edibles and marijuana edibles, dispensaries can offer supplementary benefits to their patients. They are often called ‘clubs' as they offer an array of social services, including a place to meet and socialize or help to find housing and meals for chronically ill patients.
Medical cannabis patients have created a system that includes services such as counseling, entertainment and support groups, in addition to medical cannabis. Some dispensaries offer an array of cannabis varieties that are more useful for certain symptoms, such as pain control or combating nausea.
If you are looking for a medical marijuana dispensary in Sacramento, please consider Fruitridge Health and Wellness Collective.