Overcome Female Infertility 91-- Progesterone Supplements: Definition, Effects, Side Effects and Ris
1. Definition
Progesterone is a type of hormone produced in our body in regulating the menstrual cycle. Women body start to produce progesterone just before ovation in order to make mucus friendly to sperm invasion. The rise of levels of progesterone after ovulation helps to soften the uterine lining for preparation of fertilized egg.
2. How progesterone supplement effects infertile women
Types of medication specially used for women with luteal phrase deficiency (lasts under 10 days and it is considered a luteal phase deficiency) leading to increasing risk of abnormal development of uterine lining and interfering with fertilized egg implantation.
a) Uterus Lining
The rise of levels of progesterone by using progesterone supplement increases the softness of the endometrium which is vital for egg implantation. With enough progesterone, the endometrium is not soft enough for the egg to attach to it, leading to early miscarriage.
b) Unfriendly to Sperm
It helps to increase levels of progesterone just before ovulation that stimulates the expansion of tiny glands in the endometrium leading to production of uterine fluid which helps to nourish sperms and allow sperm to travel to the Fallopian tube for egg fertilization. Deficiency of progesterone causes sticky mucus which is hostile to sperm invasion.
c) Egg Movement
progesterone supplement boost the levels of progesterone, because after fertilization, the fertilized moves from the fallopian tube to the uterine and ready for implantation. without enough levels of progesterone, the uterine mucus may interfere with that movement, leading to miscarriage.
4. Maintaining pregnancy
it helps the levels of progesterone remain high during the last part of menstrual cycle, if the pregnancy occurs, because it is vital for embryo development. Deficiency during pregnancy causes abnormal development of embryo resulting in miscarriage.
3. Side effects
Although progesterone helps to increase the chance of fertilization, it causes some side effect including
a) Blood clots in the lungs ( sudden shortness of breath) and legs, or even stroke ( blocking the blood circulation)
b) Chest pain.
c) Blurred vision.
d) Numbness or tingling in the arms or legs.
4. Risk
a) Breast cancer
b) Heart disease and strokes
Almost 100% of women who take these types of medication will ovulate, but not all women will get pregnant. If a couple can not conceive after the infertile female taking the treatment in their first 6 treatment than the chance of pregnancy is reduced by 50%.
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