Don"t Ignore the Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
So much so that a person's blood sugar levels can be changed with what they eat and by body movement.
It is noted that taking small steps in your lifestyle you can achieve big results.
Symptoms of type 2 diabetes vary with each person and for just as many reasons.
With some people they don't know they have it until a serious complication arises such as a heart attack or stroke.
With others the symptoms are hardly noticeable; they just think it is the way the body should be.
Symptoms of type 2 diabetes or non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus are real and should not be taken lightly.
The earlier diabetes is detected the sooner treatment can start, as it can damage many of the bodies organs.
Some organs can be damaged permanently leading to many other conditions.
But damage too many organs can be reversed, by just visiting your doctor for a blood tests.
Before it gets to the point that you need insulin by injection to control your diabetes, remember it can be controlled without drugs in some cases.
It is possible to control your blood sugar naturally with a few small lifestyle changes.
In many cases, if you can control your blood sugar, you may be taken off medication and insulin if it was prescribed.
The largest and most important symptom and one that gets most people to the doctor is being overweight.
The other symptom that goes along with being overweight is fatigue and people just think that is the normal way to feel.
Not so! Of course if a person is feeling fatigued they think they will take a nap as they feel drowsy, another symptom.
Some symptoms people put down to age and think nothing more about it.
Wrong! If you are over 65 and feeling the 'old age spread' you should learn the Symptoms of type 2 diabetes as not all people will experience the same symptoms.
Infections with stress increases the bodies' glucose needs, as well women during menstruation will notice insulin increases.
Once you know your body's needs, it can be adjusted through diet.
These are just a few of the symptoms of type 2 diabetes: Slow healing, fatigue, drowsiness, Increased thirst, numbness in toes, itchy skin, frequent urination, Blurred vision, weight loss, many skin infections, slow healing, Increased hunger and vagina and penis yeast infections.
The human body tissues must have a steady supply of glucose that is why diabetes can affect every organ which includes heart disease, kidney failure, blindness and even nerve problems.
If your pancreas cannot produce insulin, you have diabetes.
Learn the Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes.