Starting a Part-Time Business From Home: Three Critical Steps to a Successful Home Business
Finding the time in your schedule for starting a part time business from home can be a little tricky.
I didn't start out doing it right, but I do believe I'm on the right track now in starting an online home based business.
Successful Home Business Step 1: Schedule your time carefully.
The most important thing to remember when starting a part time business from home is to schedule your time in such a way so that you have time scheduled on a daily basis realty focus on your online home based business.
For me, getting up an hour earlier each day works so I can get an hour in early in the morning for blogging and emailing prospective customers.
Whether you're an earlier riser or late night owl, try to figure in at least an hour for high quality focused activities.
I spend about half my lunch hour reading personal development books and creating videos to share online.
While extremely camera-shy for a long time, I'm now realizing that spending a week to create a polished slide presentation only to spend even more valuable time creating backlinks so make my videos rank was really the "back-assward" way of doing things.
Granted, it does take a little getting out of your comfort zone to start getting in front of a camera and shooting videos.
But once you do it the first twenty times or so, you'll find yourself relaxed and easily creating videos in only 5-10 minutes out of the day.
Successful Home Business Step 2: Make sure you have time for training.
And what about training? Yes, of course, you need good training to learn how to market online.
Take it from me - if you think you know what you're doing and just start doing it, even the best persistent attitude in the world can't make it happen for you.
You could have all the tenacity in the world to set out to see a sunset, but if you continue to head East, you'll never succeed in seeing that sunset! So I think I've established the fact you can't start out blindly in this business (or any home business for that matter).
But how in the heck can you find time for training while you're working a full time job and then trying to build an part-time business from home? I'm a great believer in multi-tasking when it comes to training.
I spend my 45 minute morning workout watching team trainings and valuable videos from my system's back office.
In addition, I have audio recordings on my phone that keep me inspired and help me learn more while I'm cleaning, or walking the dog or on my way to work.
Successful Home Business Step 3: Stay persistent.
After you know what direction to head to see that sunset, then you will definitely find it if you're persistent enough to continue your search.
It has been said that with an online home based business especially, it's like growing a bamboo plant.
The roots seem to take forever, and then, seemingly all at once, it sprouts up fast! The gurus joke about it...
" Look Ma...
an overnight success - only took me 5 years LOL" But seriously, even if starting a home based business does take you 5 years, that's about the same as a college education - but for a lot less financial output, and a lot more to gain in the end!
I didn't start out doing it right, but I do believe I'm on the right track now in starting an online home based business.
Successful Home Business Step 1: Schedule your time carefully.
The most important thing to remember when starting a part time business from home is to schedule your time in such a way so that you have time scheduled on a daily basis realty focus on your online home based business.
For me, getting up an hour earlier each day works so I can get an hour in early in the morning for blogging and emailing prospective customers.
Whether you're an earlier riser or late night owl, try to figure in at least an hour for high quality focused activities.
I spend about half my lunch hour reading personal development books and creating videos to share online.
While extremely camera-shy for a long time, I'm now realizing that spending a week to create a polished slide presentation only to spend even more valuable time creating backlinks so make my videos rank was really the "back-assward" way of doing things.
Granted, it does take a little getting out of your comfort zone to start getting in front of a camera and shooting videos.
But once you do it the first twenty times or so, you'll find yourself relaxed and easily creating videos in only 5-10 minutes out of the day.
Successful Home Business Step 2: Make sure you have time for training.
And what about training? Yes, of course, you need good training to learn how to market online.
Take it from me - if you think you know what you're doing and just start doing it, even the best persistent attitude in the world can't make it happen for you.
You could have all the tenacity in the world to set out to see a sunset, but if you continue to head East, you'll never succeed in seeing that sunset! So I think I've established the fact you can't start out blindly in this business (or any home business for that matter).
But how in the heck can you find time for training while you're working a full time job and then trying to build an part-time business from home? I'm a great believer in multi-tasking when it comes to training.
I spend my 45 minute morning workout watching team trainings and valuable videos from my system's back office.
In addition, I have audio recordings on my phone that keep me inspired and help me learn more while I'm cleaning, or walking the dog or on my way to work.
Successful Home Business Step 3: Stay persistent.
After you know what direction to head to see that sunset, then you will definitely find it if you're persistent enough to continue your search.
It has been said that with an online home based business especially, it's like growing a bamboo plant.
The roots seem to take forever, and then, seemingly all at once, it sprouts up fast! The gurus joke about it...
" Look Ma...
an overnight success - only took me 5 years LOL" But seriously, even if starting a home based business does take you 5 years, that's about the same as a college education - but for a lot less financial output, and a lot more to gain in the end!