How to Do a Crossover in Basketball
Arguably the most deadly move in the game of basketball "the crossover" is a move that has been perfected by players such as Allen Iverson, Steve Nash, and Chris Paul.
You can literally make a name for yourself just by mastering this move and using it to break down and embarrass your defenders.
If you have been struggling to effectively use this move, you've come to the right place.
I'm going to break it down for you.
The crossover move is easy to explain but much harder to do.
So first let me explain how to do it.
You want to dribble the basketball with your right hand and while dribbling, you want to jab step to the right with a head and shoulder fake.
Then immediately after the head and shoulder fake you want to snap the basketball from your right to your left hand.
While doing this, push off your right foot and explode to your left side past your defender.
That is exactly how you do a crossover move.
When doing the jab and shoulder fake you may want to slightly palm the ball and freeze for less than a second before snapping the ball to your left hand to make the move a little more effective.
When using this move, keep the ball low because the ball will be exposed and easy to steal if dribbled high.
The crossover move is supposed to be performed quickly.
Make sure your head and shoulder fakes are believable and not overly exaggerated because you want your head and shoulder fakes to give off the impression that you're going right when you actually want to cross the ball left.
Once you practice this move it will become much easier to do and it will be a move you will want use against tough defenders.
It is one of the most exciting moves in basketball, and the great part is anyone can learn how to do it.
Everyone does the crossover differently.
If you watch Allen Iverson do a crossover dribble you'll realize it looks completely different from the way Steve Nash does a crossover, but both crossovers are still very effective.
To do an effective crossover move, you don't need to be extremely athletic, tall or quick.
You just need to do crossover move correctly and it will be effective.
As you become comfortable using this move you may want to find a couple more moves to compliment the crossover move.
A simple jab step or a hesitation move can be combined with a killer crossover.
You may see a basketball player use a between the legs dribble followed by a crossover move.
Doing a crossover move may not be effective if used alone.
If you're serious about improving your game there is one program I've used that has all the moves you'll ever need and shows you exactly how to do them.
You can literally make a name for yourself just by mastering this move and using it to break down and embarrass your defenders.
If you have been struggling to effectively use this move, you've come to the right place.
I'm going to break it down for you.
The crossover move is easy to explain but much harder to do.
So first let me explain how to do it.
You want to dribble the basketball with your right hand and while dribbling, you want to jab step to the right with a head and shoulder fake.
Then immediately after the head and shoulder fake you want to snap the basketball from your right to your left hand.
While doing this, push off your right foot and explode to your left side past your defender.
That is exactly how you do a crossover move.
When doing the jab and shoulder fake you may want to slightly palm the ball and freeze for less than a second before snapping the ball to your left hand to make the move a little more effective.
When using this move, keep the ball low because the ball will be exposed and easy to steal if dribbled high.
The crossover move is supposed to be performed quickly.
Make sure your head and shoulder fakes are believable and not overly exaggerated because you want your head and shoulder fakes to give off the impression that you're going right when you actually want to cross the ball left.
Once you practice this move it will become much easier to do and it will be a move you will want use against tough defenders.
It is one of the most exciting moves in basketball, and the great part is anyone can learn how to do it.
Everyone does the crossover differently.
If you watch Allen Iverson do a crossover dribble you'll realize it looks completely different from the way Steve Nash does a crossover, but both crossovers are still very effective.
To do an effective crossover move, you don't need to be extremely athletic, tall or quick.
You just need to do crossover move correctly and it will be effective.
As you become comfortable using this move you may want to find a couple more moves to compliment the crossover move.
A simple jab step or a hesitation move can be combined with a killer crossover.
You may see a basketball player use a between the legs dribble followed by a crossover move.
Doing a crossover move may not be effective if used alone.
If you're serious about improving your game there is one program I've used that has all the moves you'll ever need and shows you exactly how to do them.