Herman Cains 999 Tax Plan
People may ask who is the man who created the 999 tax plan. Herman Cain is a lobbyist who retired and now wants to seek the Republic nomination for the Presidential election of 2012.
What is the 999 Tax Plan?
Herman Cain created a tax plan that he believes will do the following for our economy.
Cains tax plan:
Will unite all tax payers and remove payroll taxes
Fewer opportunities for tax evasion
Will save the government up to $430 billion in burdens
Will help all
Takes away special interests and no deductions
No taxes on capital gains and no taxes to other countries on profits.
No sales taxes or business taxes on exports
Imports will have sale taxes on produced goods
Rates will be marginally low on productions
No taxes on death
Business investments can be expensed immediately
No double taxing on dividends
More money available for small business owners
More money for workers
Structured empowerment zones
The 999 tax plan equals a strong dollar policy
Cains tax plan is about uniting everyone and helping the economy to rise back up to where we were a few years ago. Herman Cain wants to help the people by getting the government out of our billfolds. Cains tax plan idea is to bring back our freedom to grow and prosper the way it was intended, not by how the government predicts.
According to Mr. Cain the economy will only get better with production and not spending what we do not have to begin with. Taking risks is what it is all about. According to Mr. Cain if you or the government is not willing to take a risk it may be hard to climb out of the rut the economy is in at this moment.
Everyone knows that the economy is in a down spin right now, but it could get better. Ways to improve the economy is if business owners would risk hiring one more employee or open a new business and this would certainly open to jobs for unemployed citizens.
The dollar in 2010 would buy what a $1.01 will buy today. The inflation rate is at least 1.50% today. Mr. Cain created this tax plan hoping to make the dollar worth a dollar again and to help boost the economy. No one really knows what will help but many are trying. Back in the year 2007 the inflation rate was 4.08%, the rate had not been that high since 1990. However, in 2008 the inflation rate was at an all-time low of 0.09%. The inflation in 2008 was the lowest recorded since 1954.
Mr. Cain believes we need a balance somewhere between government and the public. The government seems to be playing a tug-of-war on our finances. One side spends while the others figures out where to make cuts to make up for the spending. Mr. Cain wants to unite government with the citizens and help the economy get back up on its feet, so to speak.
What is that old saying UNITED WE STAND, DEVIDED WE FALL!
What is the 999 Tax Plan?
Herman Cain created a tax plan that he believes will do the following for our economy.
Cains tax plan:
Will unite all tax payers and remove payroll taxes
Fewer opportunities for tax evasion
Will save the government up to $430 billion in burdens
Will help all
Takes away special interests and no deductions
No taxes on capital gains and no taxes to other countries on profits.
No sales taxes or business taxes on exports
Imports will have sale taxes on produced goods
Rates will be marginally low on productions
No taxes on death
Business investments can be expensed immediately
No double taxing on dividends
More money available for small business owners
More money for workers
Structured empowerment zones
The 999 tax plan equals a strong dollar policy
Cains tax plan is about uniting everyone and helping the economy to rise back up to where we were a few years ago. Herman Cain wants to help the people by getting the government out of our billfolds. Cains tax plan idea is to bring back our freedom to grow and prosper the way it was intended, not by how the government predicts.
According to Mr. Cain the economy will only get better with production and not spending what we do not have to begin with. Taking risks is what it is all about. According to Mr. Cain if you or the government is not willing to take a risk it may be hard to climb out of the rut the economy is in at this moment.
Everyone knows that the economy is in a down spin right now, but it could get better. Ways to improve the economy is if business owners would risk hiring one more employee or open a new business and this would certainly open to jobs for unemployed citizens.
The dollar in 2010 would buy what a $1.01 will buy today. The inflation rate is at least 1.50% today. Mr. Cain created this tax plan hoping to make the dollar worth a dollar again and to help boost the economy. No one really knows what will help but many are trying. Back in the year 2007 the inflation rate was 4.08%, the rate had not been that high since 1990. However, in 2008 the inflation rate was at an all-time low of 0.09%. The inflation in 2008 was the lowest recorded since 1954.
Mr. Cain believes we need a balance somewhere between government and the public. The government seems to be playing a tug-of-war on our finances. One side spends while the others figures out where to make cuts to make up for the spending. Mr. Cain wants to unite government with the citizens and help the economy get back up on its feet, so to speak.
What is that old saying UNITED WE STAND, DEVIDED WE FALL!