Dual Personalities - We Are All Schizophrenics to Some Degree
We have two personalities.
The first personality is driven by the ENVIRONMENT.
Its traits, parameters and characteristics are shaped by following factors on a particular day (for example).
What you saw during the day - a picture, a video, a live scene! 2.
What you hear during the day - on radio - from (your friends - fellow passengers on a bus - bench mates in a classroom etc)! 3.
What you talk about - to your friends on phone, buddies on Facebook or few guys at the small shop where you spend a few minutes smoking.
What you watch on TV, surf on your web browser and so on! All these 'happenings'/'events' of which, we ourselves are an integral part, form the basic skeleton of this 'PERSONALITY PART 1'.
For simplicity I will call it PP1 from now on.
The traits, characteristics will not be visibly observable until it causes at least one action.
How can you notice something subtle? If there is some action, some movement, some changes..
You can measure it and then you can have some conclusions [for your own - mind it].
So what is the next step in the analytical process? You will need to observe yourself and see how your external 'ENVIRONMENT' affects your 'ACTIONS' through YOU.
Well Well!! You are not a puppet!! Are you? You tell people -'You are what you are'-But, then you talk to someone on your mobile - go downstairs, stumble twice, scold your otherwise too-cute-too-lovely 7 year old angel-like daughter - for reasons UNKNOWN!! You were taken over by PP1.
So you ended up doing something which had no roots in your head! There were no thoughts like this!! How could you ever make your angel cry buckets just because you had a terrible conversation over phone!! You just let yourself be the vehicle of that negativity, I would say.
Your personality changed.
Your outlook on things happening outside changed.
Your reactions to events in outer world changed.
A 'BAD VIBE' carried itself THROUGH you and YOU LET IT DO SO.
Because you were taken over by PP1! Before going deeper into the effects and consequences of mutual interaction of these personality types, let's get ourselves familiar with PP2.
PP2 is that part of you (whatever idea/conception you might have formed about yourself) which is not affected by the external environment.
Whenever this personality is at its peak - YOU WILL DO AMAZING THINGS!!! You will do things that would be categorized as 'miracles' in the definitions and textbooks of those having a higher PP1 percentage in their regular life.
A higher percentage of PP1 means that your thinking, behavior and momentary actions will be driven by the external environment.
If you wake up with tea ready on the table and a phone call from your girl friend, you feel nice and in turn you talk nicely to your dad who is just about to leave for the office.
By chance (So many things happen, you know) if things are not as pretty, weather is not as pleasant as you want it to be - you tend to get angry, your thoughts get maligned and your actions - uncontrolled!! Even if you take 'retrospection' into account (for example), you will know how uneasy you felt!! If PP2 is at its peak, everything would become spontaneous.
You will be just yourself!! Yes - yourself! Even if it is scorching hot outside - you will talk nicely to the fellow passengers on a train! You are what you are.
Most of the times, their ratio will vary!! And we don't even know it! We don't know when and how it happens! We don't know when we let our environment control ourselves.
Once you consciously realize that you have two personalities inside your head, half the battle is already won.
Listen to the two people talking in your head!! That's kind of mad but its fun and it will actually free your mind from external agents that may induce tension and uneasiness.
We are all schizophrenic - to some degree! Once you recognize it, you can spend time on the technique.
You can also use this technique to fight addiction.
All you need to do is to listen to the conversation inside your own head.
Let the two sides talk briefly.
Once the two personalities unite to form one peaceful whole, you will be at peace at all times and in all situations.