Strategies to Keep Your New Year"s Resolution
It is a commitment people make as the year is coming to an end, to usher in the New Year with renewed vigor.
Keep all the old stuff with the previous year.
However, New Year resolutions are very hard to keep.
Below are some strategies that should prepare you as you make your resolutions and be able to see it through - Make it early - Develop a plan - Start small - Tell people about it - Don't cheat yourself - Take time off Make it early Most resolutions people make are centered on giving something up or doing something better.
The best way to start with your resolution is to start right away.
Do n not wait for the year to come to an end.
The reason is that you might not be aware for what it is going to take to succeed in your new plan.
The best approach is to start early whenever you decide to do what you want for example losing some weight or to smile at people more.
Do not wait for the end of the year, start right away.
What this does is you test the proof of the concept.
Is your strategy for what you want to achieve feasible? Do you have the time for this or should you try another approach.
By the time January 1 rolls by you would have tweaked your resolution to fit your way of life which makes the resolution sustainable.
Develop a plan Nothing beats having a plan.
Once you have a plan, write it down and you are half way done.
The good thing about having a plan is that you know what you want to achieve, the how and the when.
You can take it a step further for success by sticking it on your mirror or inside your wardrobe.
Some place private that you must visit every day and where you must see you plan to either reinforce your efforts or serve as a reminder to make an effort.
Start Small Big ideas are good, but you have to start them piece by piece to be able to keep focused and not get overwhelmed, and then give up.
If your New Year resolution is to lose weight, do not try to do too much at once.
For example, start by working for 10 minutes and then 20 and see how you respond to that.
Doing like an hour walk or run might cause a lot of stress to your body, since it is not used to it and might cause you to give up.
Tell people about it The best way to stick to your plan is to tell people about it, especially nosy people.
They will keep you in check until it bothers on annoying.
With the combination of your written down plans and goals, the constant nagging from the people you told, should all come together to be a positive reminder for you.
Don't cheat yourself This is the worst thing you can do to your efforts.
A friend who was trying to lose weight invited me to work out with her.
After a few weeks I told her that I had improved a lot.
Lost a few pounds and increased my stamina.
She on the other hand had not lost any weight and seemed to have gained.
I later discovered that she had a discreet little refrigerator in her bedroom and indulged herself silly every night.
Take time off Keeping to a new year's resolution is like having a full time job.
At your job once in a while you are given some days off to recharge your batteries.
Once in a while take time off from your resolution and just relax and clear you head.
If you're losing weight, grab that chocolate cake you have been craving for months.
It definitely will feel good and will give you the energy to continue.
Only remember to do an extra 20 minutes on thread mill.