Information on Go-Kart Racing
- The first go-kart manufacturing company was McCulloch, an American company. In the 1960s, go-karting lost its position as a fad in the United States, and European companies began to take over selling the karts. European domination of the go-kart industry continued into the 1970s. At this time, the basis of modern go-kart designs began to develop.
- Early on in the sport, there was no governing or regulatory body that could oversee production of go-karts or the actual racing itself. The problem of regulatory bodies was solved in the 1980s, with multiple associations for go-kart racers being formed, some having to do with the exact specifications for a kart that can be entered into a race and other regulations were made regarding race rules. In the 1990s, go-kart racing was recognized as a sport.
- Go-karts come in many different types. There are casual recreation go-karts and racing go-karts. Many modern go-karts include roll cages and seat belts as well as other safety features. They also can seat more than one person--usually two. The vehicles often are used for off-roading and look and drive like ATVs. Some go-karts are sold as the entire vehicle pre-assembled, others are sold in kits so you can assemble them yourself, and still others are sold as just parts so you can mix and match the pieces for a custom vehicle. Racing go-karts are generally custom vehicles that come in multiple types, defined by the chassis type, engine type and the positions and types of different implements.
- Go-kart races take place in multiple different racing venues, including indoor races, oval races, street races and sprint races. Indoor go-kart racing has become quite popular; you can rent a vehicle for an hour and join as many races as you can on an indoor track. Oval races are on an oval or circular track that can vary in length, while sprint races are just straightforward drag-type races. Street races are on pre-existing roads that aren't usually designated for racing specifically and can be any number of turns and any length.
- There are many series and competitions for go-kart racers and opportunities for professional go-kart racers. To prepare for a serious go-kart race, make sure your kart is in top condition. Take a look at the track and become familiar with it. Pay attention to the rules and regulations given to you by the race officials.