Female Sterility - Fertility Remedies
There are many possible causes of female sterility including stress or anxiety as well as many physical factors as well.
The drop in female fertility has also been attributed to the fact that many women postpone having children into their thirties due to career demands in many cases.
Women with PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome)have ovaries that create an abundance of follicles each month without producing an egg.
PCOS is also the most common cause of infertility among women in the US.
Women who have this issue should adjust their diet to a low-glycemic diet as it is tied in with insulin resistance.
They can also follow the remedies listed below.
Here are some other natural steps you can take to deal with female sterility fertility issues; 1.
Banyan Roots - The Banyan tree roots are considered to be one of the most effective home remedies for female infertility.
Here is the remedy; Mix banyan root powder into some milk and drink three times per week.
The ratio is 1 to 5 for the powder to the milk.
Do not use this during your menstrual cycle.
Also try not to have anything to eat for a few hours after drinking this mixture.
Blackberry Leaves - This is also considered to be very effective and works exactly the same as the banyan roots powder.
So if you are unable to get the Banyan Roots powder this will be an adequate substitute.
Here is the remedy; Boil a few blackberry leaves in water in a ratio of 1 to 5 for the leaves to the quantity of water.
After the water boils let it return to room temperature and then drink it.
You should do this approximately 3 times per week.
Exercise - Were you aware that many overweight people have a harder time getting pregnant? For this reason and many others exercise is recommended to help with infertility.
Yoga - Yoga helps you to maintain good mental balance.
Remember the stress factor I mentioned earlier in this article well yoga helps prevent this from becoming an issue.
The Yogasanas are designed to make the ovaries become stronger and can help overcome the sterility.
They are known as sarvangasana, asanas, ardhamatsyendrasana, matsyasana, shalabhasana and paschimottanasana.
(Mouthfuls, I know, but look them up if you have an interest in these).
There are certain things that you should not have or do while you are trying to get pregnant and those include excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking cigarettes, drinking caffeinated drinks such as coffee or tea.
Not being able to get pregnant can be devastating for a woman's perceived self-worth and can also be very damaging to a couple's relationship so thankfully you now know of some simple remedies for female sterility or fertility that will hopefully work for you so that you too will soon experience the miracle of having your own child.