Teachers Role In Teaching Writing
Teachers contribution in teaching writing has major effects on students development.
Feature writing activities in the learning process of the contents of the subject has positive effects. At this point, it is necessary for the teacher to consider the work discipline of writing as an integrated task which usually means learning content. Taking into account, on the one hand, the role of language and writing in that process and associating this function to disciplinary activities or professional, on the other. Experience in the implementation of the program indicates that while the work is considered 'additional' or 'formal' by teachers or students, will not achieve the desired objectives.
Joint planning of the activities of reading and writing that students will perform along each subject is important. This must be done from the judgment of the teacher in charge, but taking into account the contributions of Professor can do about, for example, the graduation of the difficulty of gender and other pedagogical issues relating to the formulation or writing set point for that purpose.
Definition and characterization of the genres that student must produce, including its contextualization, structure and linguistic and discursive features characteristic. This is one of the key bodies in the process of negotiation. The linguist's work in the context of teaching is to detect genres that are relevant in the area of culture and describe at all levels of language and context. In the negotiation between partners, the teacher of the subject, as a member of the community or professional discipline which aims to train students, who select the genre is that ask students to produce and textual examples that Professor then analyze to negotiate with students.