DirecTV TiVo Troubleshooting
- 1). Verify that the remote control operates. Press any button and check for a red light at the top of the remote. If no light flashes, ensure the batteries are in the correct position. Replace the batteries if changing the battery position doesn't make the remote control function.
- 2). Press any button on the remote, and check if the light under the TiVo's front panel flashes. If not, remove all obstacles between you and the TiVo.
- 3). Check the wires if the remote still doesn't respond. Tighten each cable, ensuring that it is securely inserted into the connector. Pull out every wire and re-insert them one at a time.
- 1). Press the DirecTV button, selecting "Messages and Setup", "Recorder and Phone Setup" and "Remote Control Setup". Choose "Remote Control-TV" from the menu. Locate your television model on the list. Write down all of the codes available for your model.
- 2). Cover the front of the TiVo remote. Hold down the DirecTV and television power buttons on the remote simultaneously, and wait several seconds until the red light at the end of the remote stays illuminated.
- 3). Enter the first code you discovered in Step 1. Check if the remote's red light illuminates three times. If not, repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the red light does flash three times.
- 1). Change the channel, then switch back to your original channel if your TiVo's video and audio are not syncing or working perfectly.
- 2). Inspect all of the wire connections if you're having problems viewing video. Check the composite cable--the cable split at one end into red, yellow and white ends--to ensure that the cord ends are plugged into their corresponding colored outlet. Unscrew the coaxial cable from the back of the TiVo and television and re-screw both ends tightly.
- 3). Press the "Power" button on the TiVo's front panel if the video is frozen. This will restart the unit, and should unfreeze the video.
- 1). Manually set the volume on your television set, and check that the sound is not inadvertently muted.
- 2). Check each wire going into the TiVo. Pull out and re-insert each wire. Unscrew and re-screw each cable, tightening them completely.
- 3). Inspect the composite cable wiring to ensure that the colored wire ends are inserted into the correct color input.