How To Achieve Massive Success In Online Network Marketing
Are you looking to expand your network marketing business online? If you are, you are making a wise choice. Let me share how you can achieve massive success in online network marketing.
As a veteran network marketer I know what it is like to work hard and struggle building your downline. For an entire year and a half I struggled to break even in my business and even while using the "easy duplicatable system" that I was taught. I'm not the person that likes to blame anyone for my failure. I take full 100% responsibility for my business, however I know that I am not alone. There are many people who have tried traditional network marketing and were coachable and still failed.
The two main problems that people have is LEAD GENERATION and CASH FLOW. Network marketing is NOT a get rich quick scheme. Residual income takes a lot of time to build and if your lead generation depends solely on YOU, your business is in trouble.
I used to be on my company's autoship program. They would send me 50 company DVD's and 50 company magazines every month. It was my job to get those tools out into the marketplace.
My mentors would tell me time and time again to just hand out the tools. They would say things like let the tools do the work for you.
If I did not get up and physically go to work handing out tools there was literally no way I could generate a prospect. Needless to say it took a lot of guts prospecting this way.
Online network marketing changed my whole business once I learned the basics of online lead generation. The Internet will help you get prospects 24/7 no matter if your at the beach, sleeping, or on vacation. I also found online network marketing to not only be a TIME SAVER but a MONEY SAVER.
I spent so much money in the past going to all my company's events, weekly briefings, autoship, etc. and I never could recruit fast enough or sell enough of my company's product to break even.
Lead generation was a big problem. I was working a full time job and only had so much time to cold call and hand out tools.
Online, the majority of my leads don't cost me a dime. When you are in a state of lead abundance it's easier to grow any network marketing organization.
To achieve massive success online you have to TARGET your market. You need to put your website in front of hungry people. I know this sounds like common sense but think about the difference in marketing your network marketing business online vs. offline. In traditional network marketing we are taught to share our opportunity with anybody and everybody. This is untargeted prospecting which can lead to massive rejection and failure.
Online it's all about finding your target market and then offering them solutions that can help them. In order to offer solutions YOU have to be the solution, NOT your company.
This means that you have to learn the skills necessary so you can offer value to your prospects. Start off small but THINK big. There is huge opportunity for you in online network marketing. I'm talking to the tune of THOUSANDS every month.
To be successful online you need a powerful tool. This little tool is not an option. If you are not committed in having this tool you need to stop considering marketing online right now!! YOU ABSOLUTELY GOTTA HAVE an AUTORESPONDER.
You need to think in terms of generating your own exclusive list of prospects. An autoresponder is an email marketing tool that will send emails to your list on autopilot thereby allowing you to market your products, services, and opportunities for the end of time as long as they remain in your list.
The magic to online network marketing is truly in your list. You can't get any more targeted than your list of subscribers. There is a lot more I could say, but I hope you understand why you need an autoresponder.
My favorite autoresponder is GetResponse, you can sign up at my training site
Next, my recommended strategies to begin using if you have NO MONEY to invest in marketing are: Forums, Blogs, Article's, Press Releases, Social Networking, and Video Marketing.
These strategies will produce tons of leads as you learn how to use them. My wish for you is that you will get serious about your business and pursue online network marketing before it's too late. Start now before you become a statistic in network marketing. I wish you massive success!!
If you would like to learn more about me and how your business can benefit from an online marketing system, check out my resources below.
Discover how to earn a whopping $4,567,09 per month in your spare time even if nobody joins your MLM business. Forget cold calling. Forget those home meetings. In fact, forget everything you've ever been taught about building a solid income in Network Marketing from the "gurus". Let this 25- yr "unknown" marketer show you how he built an organization of over 4,120 in 14 short months without making one phone call! ==> - My Online Marketing System
As a veteran network marketer I know what it is like to work hard and struggle building your downline. For an entire year and a half I struggled to break even in my business and even while using the "easy duplicatable system" that I was taught. I'm not the person that likes to blame anyone for my failure. I take full 100% responsibility for my business, however I know that I am not alone. There are many people who have tried traditional network marketing and were coachable and still failed.
The two main problems that people have is LEAD GENERATION and CASH FLOW. Network marketing is NOT a get rich quick scheme. Residual income takes a lot of time to build and if your lead generation depends solely on YOU, your business is in trouble.
I used to be on my company's autoship program. They would send me 50 company DVD's and 50 company magazines every month. It was my job to get those tools out into the marketplace.
My mentors would tell me time and time again to just hand out the tools. They would say things like let the tools do the work for you.
If I did not get up and physically go to work handing out tools there was literally no way I could generate a prospect. Needless to say it took a lot of guts prospecting this way.
Online network marketing changed my whole business once I learned the basics of online lead generation. The Internet will help you get prospects 24/7 no matter if your at the beach, sleeping, or on vacation. I also found online network marketing to not only be a TIME SAVER but a MONEY SAVER.
I spent so much money in the past going to all my company's events, weekly briefings, autoship, etc. and I never could recruit fast enough or sell enough of my company's product to break even.
Lead generation was a big problem. I was working a full time job and only had so much time to cold call and hand out tools.
Online, the majority of my leads don't cost me a dime. When you are in a state of lead abundance it's easier to grow any network marketing organization.
To achieve massive success online you have to TARGET your market. You need to put your website in front of hungry people. I know this sounds like common sense but think about the difference in marketing your network marketing business online vs. offline. In traditional network marketing we are taught to share our opportunity with anybody and everybody. This is untargeted prospecting which can lead to massive rejection and failure.
Online it's all about finding your target market and then offering them solutions that can help them. In order to offer solutions YOU have to be the solution, NOT your company.
This means that you have to learn the skills necessary so you can offer value to your prospects. Start off small but THINK big. There is huge opportunity for you in online network marketing. I'm talking to the tune of THOUSANDS every month.
To be successful online you need a powerful tool. This little tool is not an option. If you are not committed in having this tool you need to stop considering marketing online right now!! YOU ABSOLUTELY GOTTA HAVE an AUTORESPONDER.
You need to think in terms of generating your own exclusive list of prospects. An autoresponder is an email marketing tool that will send emails to your list on autopilot thereby allowing you to market your products, services, and opportunities for the end of time as long as they remain in your list.
The magic to online network marketing is truly in your list. You can't get any more targeted than your list of subscribers. There is a lot more I could say, but I hope you understand why you need an autoresponder.
My favorite autoresponder is GetResponse, you can sign up at my training site
Next, my recommended strategies to begin using if you have NO MONEY to invest in marketing are: Forums, Blogs, Article's, Press Releases, Social Networking, and Video Marketing.
These strategies will produce tons of leads as you learn how to use them. My wish for you is that you will get serious about your business and pursue online network marketing before it's too late. Start now before you become a statistic in network marketing. I wish you massive success!!
If you would like to learn more about me and how your business can benefit from an online marketing system, check out my resources below.
Discover how to earn a whopping $4,567,09 per month in your spare time even if nobody joins your MLM business. Forget cold calling. Forget those home meetings. In fact, forget everything you've ever been taught about building a solid income in Network Marketing from the "gurus". Let this 25- yr "unknown" marketer show you how he built an organization of over 4,120 in 14 short months without making one phone call! ==> - My Online Marketing System