ADHD Diagnosis Pointers
The formal testing done by a licensed mental health professional are long and costly, but are worth the time, effort and money invested in them. If the individual tested is indeed diagnosed with ADD, it enables them to move on to the next step in their recovery. If they are told they do not have ADD, they know they can trust the professional giving them the diagnosis and feel relief that they do not have to struggle with the disorder. This may mean they have some other learning disability or psychological issue, and will be given the right direction to follow from an expert.
Another way for people to be diagnosed is again by a psychologist or psychiatrist, but with a long history the individual taken and reviewed. Report cards and other formal documents are examined, and family members are interviewed. The licensed professional attempts to get a clear picture of the issues the individual faces, and try to determine how long they have been experiencing problems. The process may be long or short, simple or complicated - depending on the person they are testing. This method also provides educated answers, and the individual being interviewed/evaluated can be confident in the diagnosis reached.
Other ways of diagnosing individuals with ADD that are not nearly as effective and can lead to misdiagnosis. Some school professionals, for example, guidance counselors, have been known to diagnose children with ADD in the past, although it is highly doubtful that they have the necessary education or tools. Diagnosing someone with ADD changes their life, and therefore such a diagnosis should be given with care. Additionally, some people may think they have ADD and get a referral to a psychiatrist, who might then ask you a few simple questions and then prescribe stimulants.
This method of diagnosis is quite disturbing; a short questionnaire cannot help determine whether someone has ADD. Such an approach calls into question the professionalism of the psychiatrist, and does nothing for the individual in question.