Ways to Control Type 2 Diabetes
This leads to the tendency of having type 2 diabetes in a person which derails the effective use of insulin in the body.
When the glucose levels are not maintained correctly in the body the damage process begins.
Medical experts have laid out many ways to control type 2 diabetes.
Usually people with such disorder get to know about it after the damage has been done.
Many cases show that the diagnosis was done years after the disorder had started which resulted in many dysfunctions in the body.
Out of the many ways to control type 2 diabetes, weight control is the most important.
Obesity is the source of many problems in the body.
The right kind and amount of food will always help to manage diabetes effectively.
Most type 2 patients will be advised to have a diet with limited portion size and low levels of carbohydrates because they can quickly convert to sugar.
Such patient will always want to keep the weight in control.
There are also ways to control type 2 diabetes which can help in the prevention process.
It is extremely necessary to have the blood glucose levels checked weekly using a blood glucose monitor or having the hemoglobin A1C test in every 3 months.
Regular control can help in preventing heart attacks and strokes.
Increasing the activity level like taking stairs, regular walk and exercise will keep away from arthritis which is found in more than 52% of diabetic people.
Keeping one's self stress free can show tremendous affects in blood glucose levels because usually in stress people do not eat right.
It's a good practice to find ways to relax.
Another very important thing that people with type 2 diabetes should not do is smoking.
Any sort of tobacco based habit is to get rid of as early as possible because the process of complications is accelerated in this case.
Consulting a doctor will be very helpful in kicking the habit.
If the glucose levels are kept at normal in a routine life it will prevent from following all the ways to control type 2 diabetes.
It can be possible to reverse the effects at a 'pre-diabetes' stage as well.
All it requires is a positive change in the lifestyle to improve overall health and have success in the managing process of type 2 diabetes.