The 5 Parts of Your Sales Letter That Needs to Be Improved
So to be successful with your approach, you need to be unique.
And the best way to do that is with a perfectly crafted sales letter that speaks directly to your prospect.
All prospects want to know "what's in it for me".
So it's important that you don't make your sales presentation about - which is a mistake that a lot of business owners make online.
The more you can fine-tune your sales letter to make it about them, the closer you will be to closing a sale.
Let's take a look at 5 great ways that you can do this without being coming on too strong for your prospect.
Here's the first way: 1) Your headline The headline of your webpage is the first thing your prospect sees when they visit your webpage.
And if your headline doesn't do its job of keeping your prospect on your page wanting to learn more, then it has failed.
You only have a few seconds to keep your prospect interest, and if you can't do that, then they will exit your website - more than likely forever.
This is the most important part of your sales letter because it conveys so much.
It answers the question, "what's in it for me", and with a poor answer, your visitor will leave - regardless of how well you explain your answer in the body of your sales copy.
When making your headline, you want to make it compelling.
Let your visitor know about the benefits that your product or service will give them, and state how fast these benefits will come.
Use trigger words that paint mental images in your prospect's mind.
And if possible, right under your headline, use testimonials to back up your claims.
This is a great way to make your prospect instantly receptive to your message.
Here's another great tip for a powerful sales letter: 2) Your bullet points Bullet points is what it's all about.
Your bullet points tell the reader exactly what they are going to learn or get when they acquire your product or service.
When making your bullet points, you will want to state a lot of features of your product, along with the benefits that your prospect will receive.
A long list of bullet points is preferable, because a long list tells the reader that they will be receiving a lot from your product.
Be sure to tell the reader everything they need to know before making their purchase, and here in the bullet points is a great way to do so.
3) Testimonials If possible, put as much testimonials as possible in your sales letter.
It is THAT important.
Readers always want to know if other people has tried your product out, and if so, what the results of their efforts was.
If you can supply readers with a vast list of satisfied users of your product, then you can gain instant credibility in the eyes of your prospect.
One thing you never want to do however is place fake testimonials in your sales letter.
This is big no-no in the marketing world and you will find yourself in serious trouble if someone calls you out on it.
So stick to the real thing and improve your game so that you can get more genuine and satisfied testimonials from your customers.
4) Offer free bonuses Everyone loves a free bonus right? Well of course, and this is one of the best ways to get a prospect more excited about your offer.
Bonuses help your prospects to see that they're getting more value for their money, and bonuses can also help to separate you from rival competitors that sell similar products.
The best bonuses are those that are low cost or even free to deliver.
You could offer a tips guide or even a full book on a subject that is totally downloadable.
Or if you can offer free reports that are inexpensive to mail out to someone.
The cost of mailing out a free report will be null compared to the order that it just helped you to get, so always keep that in mind.
Here's the last great tip for making your sales letter sell: 5) The infamous P.
Many prospects when they visit your website will actually scroll to the bottom of the page first to see how much it costs or to briefly observe your offer.
In doing so, they will run into your P.
where you briefly summarize everything.
This is why you want your P.
to be as good as possible, so that you can get your reader to go back and read everything - or even purchase your product right there on the spot.
When writing your P.
, you want to include your guarantee, your price, and a brief summary of everything your prospects will be receiving.
This is a great reminder for prospects who sit and read your entire sales letter - as it makes them feel more comfortable in purchasing your product.
And with skimming-readers, you get them interested and get them to go back to the beginning of your sales letter read everything.
All of these tips are great for improving your sales letter so you can close more sales.
Nothing is worse than an interested prospect that turned off to your offer.
So be sure to start implementing these tips today so you can see more sales tomorrow.