Affiliate Marketing and Time Management
With the constant change associated with internet marketing it's advisable to recognize the need to concentrate our efforts on those actions which have the greatest impact on our sales.
How do we best invest our time to maximize our sales? First let's separate the 'primary' functions of the businesses into 2 major categories:
In order to make money online, marketing will be the key. These efforts take time, focus, and creativity. The 'copy' within our websites (our sales page), landing pages (building a list is essential for our business growth), emails (nurturing our list), and traffic generation (PPC, article marketing, press releases, blogging,etc.) sets us apart from the pack. This area requires quite understandably, the greatest amount of our time. It is the stimulus that initiates our customers to take interest (opt-in) and/or action (purchase/sales). Due to the ever changing nature of internet marketing our efforts are constantly being revised and redirected in accordance to which product(s) we choose to promote.
Site hosting, split testing, conversion tracking, software integration, and HTML coding are integral parts of any internet marketing strategy, yet they do not require much change once they're set up. Due to this they can be systematically organized thereby reducing the amount of time and attention we spend with them
Being marketing is our bread and butter, it is imperative that we either delegate or effectively manage the technical aspects, allowing generally no more than 10% of our time for such issues.
If you are technically savvy, congratulations for you are amongst the minority. You'll probably be able to handle most of the technical aspects of your online business. But spending more than 10% of your time on technical issues doesn't make good economic sense if maximizing your sales is important to you. Remember that these are merely the 'tools' we use to evaluate our selling process and transport our marketing efforts. It is marketing that 'makes the sale'! We want to control this process and not the other way around.
Hiring a webmaster would free us up to focus on marketing but this option could be expensive. You will find that there are different options available to you to best manage your business.
In a nutshell, the ability to manage your time correctly can make you or break you in any internet marketing business. You need to prioritize your time concentrating your daily efforts on the marketing aspects.
The route you take to coordinate your efforts in your affiliate marketing business will of course, be a personal decision influenced, by your talents, interests, and budget. But remember you want to concentrate on marketing.